habitations -- they may receive you into everlasting {habitations} had -- after that he {had} called him had -- because he {had} done wisely had -- because it {had} no depth of earth had -- because it {had} no root had -- because they {had} no deepness of earth had -- because they {had} no root had -- certain man {had} two sons had -- even as I {had} pity on thee had -- except that the lord {had} shortened those days had -- forasmuch as he {had} not to pay had -- glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I {had} with thee before the world was had -- good were it for that man if he {had} never been born had -- {had} a fig tree planted in his vineyard had -- {had} been done in sodom had -- {had} been done in tyre and sidon had -- {had} compassion had -- {had} received had -- {had} ye believed moses had -- hath {had} compassion on thee had -- he also that {had} received two talents came and said had -- he {had} compassion had -- he might know how much every man {had} gained by trading had -- he saw there a man which {had} not on a wedding garment had -- he that {had} received one went and digged in the earth had -- I have found the piece which I {had} lost had -- if I {had} not come and spoken unto them had -- if I {had} not done among them the works which none other man did had -- if the goodman of the house {had} known in what watch the thief would come had -- if the goodman of the house {had} known what hour the thief would come had -- if the mighty works {had} been done in tyre and sidon had -- if we {had} been in the days of our fathers had -- if ye {had} faith as a grain of mustard seed had -- if ye {had} known me had -- if ye {had} known me had -- if ye {had} known what had -- it had been good for that man if he {had} not been born had -- it {had} been good for that man if he had not been born had -- man {had} two sons had -- same was accused unto him that he {had} wasted his goods had -- she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she {had} had -- she of her want did cast in all that she {had} had -- shouldest not thou also have {had} compassion on thy fellowservant had -- so he that {had} received five talents came and brought other five talents had -- then he that {had} received the five talents went and traded with the same had -- then he which {had} received the one talent came and said had -- there was a certain creditor which {had} two debtors had -- they {had} a great while ago repented had -- they {had} no leisure so much as to eat had -- they had not {had} sin had -- they {had} not had sin had -- they had not {had} sin had -- they {had} not had sin had -- thou hast {had} five husbands had -- to whom he {had} given the money had -- when he {had} agreed with the labourers for a penny a day had -- when he {had} begun to reckon had -- when he {had} found one pearl of great price had -- when he {had} need had -- when he {had} spent all had -- when they {had} nothing to pay had -- when they {had} received had -- when ye {had} seen had -- where it {had} not much earth had -- where they {had} not much earth had -- which {had} a steward had -- went and sold all that he {had } had -- all that he {had } hadst -- if thou {hadst} known hail -- all {hail } hair -- because thou canst not make one {hair} white or black hair -- there shall not an {hair} of your head perish hairs -- even the very {hairs} of your head are all numbered hairs -- very {hairs} of your head are all numbered hairs -- with the {hairs} of her head hale -- lest he {hale} thee to the judge half -- {half} dead hallowed -- {hallowed} be thy name hallowed -- {hallowed} be thy name halt -- it is better for thee to enter {halt} into life halt -- it is better for thee to enter into life {halt} or maimed hand -- bind him {hand} and foot hand -- {hand} of him that betrayeth me hand -- {hand} on him hand -- {hand} with me in the dish hand -- having put his {hand} to the plow hand -- he is at {hand} that doth betray me hand -- he shall set the sheep on his right {hand} hand -- hereafter shall the son of man sit on the right {hand} of the power of God hand -- hereafter shall ye see the son of man sitting on the right {hand} of power hand -- if thy {hand} offend thee hand -- if thy right {hand} offend thee hand -- know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at {hand} hand -- let not thy left hand know what thy right {hand} doeth hand -- let not thy left {hand} know what thy right hand doeth hand -- mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right {hand} hand -- then shall he say also unto them on the left {hand} hand -- then shall the king say unto them on his right {hand} hand -- these things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right {hand} hand -- to sit on my right hand and on my left {hand} is not mine to give hand -- to sit on my right {hand} and on my left hand is not mine to give hand -- wherefore if thy {hand} or thy foot offend thee hand -- ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at {hand} hand -- ye shall see the son of man sitting on the right {hand} of power hand -- he that betrayeth me is at {hand } hand -- kingdom of God is at {hand } hand -- kingdom of heaven is at {hand } hand -- kingdom of heaven is at {hand } hand -- out of my father's {hand } hand -- pluck them out of my {hand } hand -- put a ring on his {hand } hand -- reach hither thy {hand } hand -- sit thou on my right {hand } hand -- sit thou on my right {hand } hand -- sit thou on my right {hand } hand -- stretch forth thine {hand } hand -- stretch forth thine {hand } hand -- to sit on my right {hand } hand -- hour is at {hand } hand -- my time is at {hand } hand -- stretch forth thy {hand } handle -- {handle} me handled -- away shamefully {handled } hands -- behold my {hands} and my feet hands -- he laid {hands} on him hands -- into thy {hands} I commend my spirit hands -- rather than having two {hands} or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire hands -- son of man is betrayed into the {hands} of sinners hands -- son of man is betrayed into the {hands} of sinners hands -- son of man is delivered into the {hands} of men hands -- son of man shall be betrayed into the {hands} of men hands -- son of man shall be delivered into the {hands} of men hands -- than having two {hands} to go into hell hands -- they shall lay {hands} on the sick hands -- they shall lay their {hands} on you hands -- to eat with unwashen {hands} defileth not a man hands -- ye stretched forth no {hands} against me hands -- thou shalt stretch forth thy {hands } hands -- behold my {hands } hang -- on these two commandments {hang} all the law and the prophets hanged -- it is better for him that a millstone were {hanged} about his neck hanged -- it were better for him that a millstone were {hanged} about his neck hanged -- it were better for him that a millstone were {hanged} about his neck haply -- lest {haply } happy -- {happy} are ye if ye do them hard -- {hard} for thee to kick against the pricks hard -- {hard} for thee to kick against the pricks hard -- how {hard} is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God hard -- I knew thee that thou art an {hard} man hardened -- have ye your heart yet {hardened } hardly -- how {hardly} shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God hardly -- how {hardly} shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God hardly -- rich man shall {hardly} enter into the kingdom of heaven hardness -- {hardness} of your heart he wrote you this precept hardness -- moses because of the {hardness} of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives harlots -- publicans and the {harlots} believed him harlots -- publicans and the {harlots} go into the kingdom of God before you harlots -- which hath devoured thy living with {harlots} harmless -- {harmless} as doves harvest -- because the {harvest} is come harvest -- {harvest} is the end of the world harvest -- {harvest} truly harvest -- {harvest} truly harvest -- he will send forth labourers into his {harvest} harvest -- he would send forth labourers into his {harvest} harvest -- in the time of {harvest} I will say to the reapers harvest -- let both grow together until the {harvest} harvest -- pray ye therefore the lord of the {harvest} harvest -- pray ye therefore the lord of the {harvest} harvest -- they are white already to {harvest } harvest -- cometh {harvest } hast -- as thou {hast} believed hast -- as thou {hast} given him power over all flesh hast -- as thou {hast} loved me hast -- as thou {hast} sent me into the world hast -- as thou {hast} testified of me in jerusalem hast -- because thou {hast} been faithful in a very little hast -- because thou {hast} hid these things from the wise and prudent hast -- because thou {hast} kept the word of my patience hast -- because thou {hast} left thy first love hast -- because thou {hast} seen me hast -- because thou {hast} there them that hold the doctrine of balaam hast -- gathering where thou {hast} not strowed hast -- {hast} borne hast -- {hast} found them liars hast -- {hast} kept my word hast -- {hast} loved them hast -- {hast} not denied my faith hast -- {hast} not denied my name hast -- {hast} not fainted hast -- {hast} patience hast -- {hast} revealed them unto babes hast -- {hast} revealed them unto babes hast -- he should give eternal life to as many as thou {hast} given him hast -- he whom thou now {hast} is not thy husband hast -- I thank thee that thou {hast} heard me hast -- it is done as thou {hast} commanded hast -- keep through thine own name those whom thou {hast} given me hast -- love wherewith thou {hast} loved me may be in them hast -- my name's sake {hast} laboured hast -- now they have known that all things whatsoever thou {hast} given me are of thee hast -- out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou {hast} perfected praise hast -- reaping where thou {hast} not sown hast -- remember therefore how thou {hast} received and heard hast -- so {hast} thou also them that hold the doctrine of the nicolaitanes hast -- them which thou {hast} given me hast -- these have known that thou {hast} sent me hast -- they may believe that thou {hast} sent me hast -- thou {hast} a few names even in sardis which have not defiled their garments hast -- thou {hast} a little strength hast -- thou {hast} a name that thou livest hast -- thou {hast} answered right hast -- thou {hast} been faithful over a few things hast -- thou {hast} been faithful over a few things hast -- thou {hast} believed hast -- thou {hast} both seen him hast -- thou {hast} gained thy brother hast -- thou {hast} had five husbands hast -- thou {hast} hid these things from the wise and prudent hast -- thou {hast} killed for him the fatted calf hast -- thou {hast} made them equal unto us hast -- thou {hast} much goods laid up for many years hast -- thou {hast} no part with me hast -- thou {hast} rightly judged hast -- thou {hast} said hast -- thou {hast} said hast -- thou {hast} taught in our streets hast -- thou {hast} tried them which say they are apostles hast -- thou {hast} well said hast -- till thou {hast} denied me thrice hast -- till thou {hast} paid the uttermost farthing hast -- till thou {hast} paid the very last mite hast -- to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou {hast} seen hast -- when thou {hast} opened his mouth hast -- when thou {hast} shut thy door hast -- which thou {hast} given me hast -- which thou {hast} provided hast -- whom thou {hast} given me hast -- whom thou {hast} sent hast -- world may believe that thou {hast} sent me hast -- world may know that thou {hast} sent me hast -- write the things which thou {hast} seen hast -- yet {hast} thou not known me hast -- hold that fast which thou {hast } hast -- sell all that thou {hast } hast -- sell whatsoever thou {hast } hast -- sell that thou {hast } hast -- this thou {hast } hast -- thou {hast } haste -- make {haste } haste -- make {haste } hate -- do good to them that {hate} you hate -- do good to them which {hate} you hate -- either he will {hate} the one hate -- either he will {hate} the one hate -- {hate} not his father hate -- {hate} thine enemy hate -- if the world {hate} you hate -- shall {hate} one another hate -- when men shall {hate} you hate -- world cannot {hate} you hate -- which I also {hate } hate -- which thing I {hate } hated -- his citizens {hated} him hated -- now have they both seen and {hated} both me and my father hated -- they {hated} me without a cause hated -- world hath {hated} them hated -- ye know that it {hated} me before hated -- ye shall be {hated} of all hated -- ye shall be {hated} of all hated -- ye shall be {hated} of all hated -- ye shall be {hated} of all nations for my name's sake hated -- it {hated } hatest -- thou {hatest} the deeds of the nicolaitanes hateth -- every one that doeth evil {hateth} the light hateth -- he that {hateth} his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal hateth -- he that hateth me {hateth} my father also hateth -- he that {hateth} me hateth my father also hateth -- therefore the world {hateth} you hateth -- me it {hateth } hath -- after he {hath} laid the foundation hath -- against the day of my burying {hath} she kept this hath -- all things that the father {hath} are mine hath -- also that she {hath} done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her hath -- among them that are born of women there {hath} not risen a greater than john the baptist hath -- an enemy {hath} done this hath -- as my father {hath} appointed unto me hath -- as my father {hath} taught me hath -- as the father {hath} life in himself hath -- as the father {hath} loved me hath -- as the living father {hath} sent me hath -- as the scripture {hath} said hath -- because he {hath} anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor hath -- because he {hath} not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God hath -- because he {hath} received him safe and sound hath -- because my word {hath} no place in you hath -- because no man {hath} hired us hath -- because the lord {hath} need of him hath -- cup which my father {hath} given me hath -- even that he {hath} shall be taken away from him hath -- every man therefore that {hath} heard hath -- every one that {hath} forsaken houses hath -- except the father which {hath} sent me draw him hath -- father {hath} not left me alone hath -- father {hath} sent me hath -- father {hath} sent me hath -- flesh and blood {hath} not revealed hath -- from him shall be taken away even that he {hath} hath -- from him shall be taken even that which he {hath} hath -- from him that {hath} not hath -- from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he {hath} hath -- from him that {hath} not shall be taken away even that which he hath hath -- from whence then {hath} it tares hath -- greater love {hath} no man than this hath -- {hath} an end hath -- {hath} borne witness of me hath -- {hath} committed all judgment unto the son hath -- {hath} eternal life hath -- {hath} everlasting life hath -- {hath} given him authority to execute judgment also hath -- {hath} had compassion on thee hath -- {hath} learned of the father hath -- {hath} no man condemned thee hath -- {hath} nothing in me hath -- {hath} one that judgeth him hath -- {hath} seen in a vision a man named ananias coming in hath -- {hath} shut to the door hath -- he {hath} a devil hath -- he {hath} a devil hath -- he {hath} seen the father hath -- he {hath} sent me hath -- he {hath} sent me to heal the brokenhearted hath -- he {hath} shortened the days hath -- he {hath} ten pounds hath -- he that believeth on me {hath} everlasting life hath -- he that eateth bread with me {hath} lifted up his heel against me hath -- he that {hath} a purse hath -- he that {hath} an ear hath -- he that {hath} an ear hath -- he that {hath} an ear hath -- he that {hath} an ear hath -- he that {hath} an ear hath -- he that {hath} an ear hath -- he that {hath} an ear hath -- he that {hath} ears to hear hath -- he that {hath} ears to hear hath -- he that {hath} ears to hear hath -- he that {hath} ears to hear hath -- he that {hath} my commandments hath -- he that {hath} no sword hath -- he that {hath} not hath -- he that hath seen me {hath} seen the father hath -- he that {hath} seen me hath seen the father hath -- he that {hath} the key of david hath -- he that honoureth not the son honoureth not the father which {hath} sent him hath -- he that shall blaspheme against the holy ghost {hath} never forgiveness hath -- he will make him ruler over all that he {hath} hath -- him {hath} God the father sealed hath -- in that she {hath} poured this ointment on my body hath -- it {hath} been said hath -- joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he {hath} hath -- lord {hath} need of them hath -- man that {hath} told you the truth hath -- mary {hath} chosen that good part hath -- neither {hath} this man sinned hath -- no man {hath} ascended up to heaven hath -- not that any man {hath} seen the father hath -- of all which he {hath} given me I should lose nothing hath -- satan {hath} desired hath -- say ye that the lord {hath} need of him hath -- she {hath} done what she could hath -- she {hath} washed my feet with tears hath -- she {hath} wrought a good work on me hath -- she {hath} wrought a good work upon me hath -- she of her penury {hath} cast in all the living that she had hath -- show how great things God {hath} done unto thee hath -- so {hath} he given to the son to have life in himself hath -- somebody {hath} touched me hath -- son of man {hath} not where to lay hath -- son of man {hath} not where to lay hath -- sorrow {hath} filled your heart hath -- spirit {hath} not flesh and bones hath -- tell them how great things the lord {hath} done for thee hath -- that ye may know that the son of man {hath} power on earth to forgive sins hath -- that ye may know that the son of man {hath} power on earth to forgive sins hath -- that ye may know that the son of man {hath} power upon earth to forgive sins hath -- there is no man that {hath} left house hath -- there is no man that {hath} left house hath -- there rememberest that thy brother {hath} ought against thee hath -- therefore he that delivered me unto thee {hath} the greater sin hath -- these things saith he that {hath} the seven spirits of God hath -- these things saith he which {hath} the sharp sword with two edges hath -- this is the father's will which {hath} sent me hath -- this poor widow {hath} cast in more than they all hath -- this poor widow {hath} cast more in hath -- this woman {hath} anointed my feet with ointment hath -- this woman {hath} done hath -- this woman since the time I came in {hath} not ceased to kiss my feet hath -- thy faith {hath} made thee whole hath -- thy faith {hath} made thee whole hath -- thy faith {hath} made thee whole hath -- thy faith {hath} made thee whole hath -- thy faith {hath} made thee whole hath -- thy faith {hath} saved thee hath -- thy faith {hath} saved thee hath -- thy father {hath} killed the fatted calf hath -- thy pound {hath} gained five pounds hath -- thy pound {hath} gained ten pounds hath -- to him that {hath} ten pounds hath -- unto every one that {hath} shall be given hath -- unto every one which {hath} shall be given hath -- unto him which {hath} ten talents hath -- well {hath} esaias prophesied of you hypocrites hath -- what therefore God {hath} joined together hath -- what therefore God {hath} joined together hath -- when he {hath} found hath -- when he {hath} lighted a candle hath -- when he {hath} lighted a candle hath -- when she {hath} found hath -- which after he hath killed {hath} power to cast into hell hath -- which after he {hath} killed hath power to cast into hell hath -- which {hath} devoured thy living with harlots hath -- which {hath} sent me hath -- which my heavenly father {hath} not planted hath -- which the father {hath} put in his own power hath -- which when a man {hath} found hath -- who {hath} ears to hear hath -- who {hath} ears to hear hath -- who {hath} his eyes like unto a flame of fire hath -- whom he {hath} chosen hath -- whom he {hath} sent hath -- whom his lord {hath} made ruler over his household hath -- whom satan {hath} bound hath -- whom the father {hath} sanctified hath -- whose image and superscription {hath} it hath -- whosoever {hath} not hath -- whosoever {hath} not hath -- whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he {hath} hath -- whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her {hath} committed adultery with her already in his heart hath -- will of the father which {hath} sent me hath -- woman when she is in travail {hath} sorrow hath -- works which the father {hath} given me to finish hath -- world {hath} hated them hath -- world {hath} not known thee hath -- ye believe on him whom he {hath} sent hath -- ye have heard that it {hath} been said hath -- ye have heard that it {hath} been said hath -- ye have heard that it {hath} been said by them of old time hath -- yet {hath} he not root in himself hath -- he that {hath } hath -- whosoever {hath } hath -- whosoever {hath } have -- after that {have} no more that they can do have -- all that I {have} is thine have -- all these {have} of their abundance cast in unto the offerings of God have -- all things that I have heard of my father I {have} made known unto you have -- all things that I {have} heard of my father I have made known unto you have -- as I {have} loved you have -- as I {have} loved you have -- as long as they {have} the bridegroom with them have -- as many as {have} not this doctrine have -- at my coming I might {have} required mine own with usury have -- at my coming I should {have} received mine own with usury have -- because I {have} made a man every whit whole on the sabbath day have -- because I {have} no room where to bestow my fruits have -- because I {have} said these things unto you have -- because they {have} not known the father have -- because they {have} now been with me three days have -- because ye {have} been with me from the beginning have -- because ye {have} brought no bread have -- because ye {have} loved me have -- because ye {have} no bread have -- bring of the fish which ye {have} now caught have -- even as I {have} kept my father's commandments have -- even so {have} I also sent them into the world have -- foxes {have} holes have -- foxes {have} holes have -- freely ye {have} received have -- from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to {have} have -- gather where I {have} not strowed have -- glory which thou gavest me I {have} given them have -- {have} believed have -- {have} believed that I came out from God have -- {have} desired to see have -- {have} done unto him whatsoever they listed have -- {have} eternal life have -- {have} everlasting life have -- {have} faith in God have -- {have} I been so long time with you have -- {have} known surely that I came out from thee have -- {have} mercy on me have -- {have} need of nothing have -- {have} no root in themselves have -- {have} not heard have -- {have} not heard have -- {have} not I chosen you twelve have -- {have} not seen have -- {have} not seen have -- {have} nothing to eat have -- {have} nothing to eat have -- {have} omitted the weightier have -- {have} patience with me have -- {have} patience with me have -- {have} peace one with another have -- {have} salt in yourselves have -- {have} seen him have -- {have} the keys of hell and of death have -- {have} thou authority over ten cities have -- {have} washed your feet have -- {have} we not prophesied in thy name have -- {have} ye any meat have -- {have} ye here any meat have -- {have} ye never read have -- {have} ye never read what david did have -- {have} ye not read have -- {have} ye not read in the book of moses have -- {have} ye not read so much as this have -- {have} ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God have -- {have} ye not read this scripture have -- {have} ye not read what david did have -- {have} ye understood all these things have -- {have} ye your heart yet hardened have -- he shall {have} abundance have -- he shall {have} more abundance have -- he shall {have} whatsoever he saith have -- he would fain {have} filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat have -- he would {have} given thee living water have -- he would {have} watched have -- he would {have} watched have -- hitherto {have} ye asked nothing in my name have -- how hardly shall they that {have} riches enter into the kingdom of God have -- how hardly shall they that {have} riches enter into the kingdom of God have -- how is it that ye {have} no faith have -- how many hired servants of my father's {have} bread enough and to spare have -- how many loaves {have} ye have -- how many loaves {have} ye have -- how many loaves {have} ye have -- how often would I {have} gathered thy children together have -- how often would I {have} gathered thy children together have -- I am come that they might {have} life have -- I {have} a baptism to be baptized with have -- I {have} a few things against thee have -- I {have} appeared unto thee for this purpose have -- I {have} bought a piece of ground have -- I {have} bought five yoke of oxen have -- I {have} called you friends have -- I {have} chosen you have -- I {have} chosen you out of the world have -- I {have} compassion on the multitude have -- I {have} compassion on the multitude have -- I {have} declared unto them thy name have -- I {have} done one work have -- I {have} finished the work which thou gavest me to do have -- I {have} five brethren have -- I {have} foretold you all things have -- I {have} found my sheep which was lost have -- I {have} found the piece which I had lost have -- I {have} gained beside them five talents more have -- I {have} gained two other talents beside them have -- I {have} given them thy word have -- I {have} given unto them the words which thou gavest me have -- I {have} given you an example have -- I {have} glorified thee on the earth have -- I {have} greater witness than have -- I {have} known thee have -- I {have} manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world have -- I {have} many things to say and to judge of you have -- I {have} married a wife have -- I {have} meat to eat that ye know not of have -- I {have} much people in this city have -- I {have} no husband have -- I {have} not a devil have -- I {have} not found so great faith have -- I {have} not found so great faith have -- I {have} not found thy works perfect before God have -- I {have} not spoken of myself have -- I {have} nothing to set before him have -- I {have} overcome the world have -- I {have} power to lay it down have -- I {have} power to take it again have -- I {have} prayed for thee have -- I {have} prepared my dinner have -- I {have} set before thee an open door have -- I {have} sinned against heaven have -- I {have} sinned against heaven have -- I {have} somewhat to say unto thee have -- I {have} told you before have -- I {have} told you that I am have -- I {have} yet many things to say unto you have -- I jesus {have} sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches have -- I know whom I {have} chosen have -- I pray thee {have} me excused have -- I pray thee {have} me excused have -- I speak that which I {have} seen with my father have -- I speak to the world those things which I {have} heard of him have -- I will {have} mercy have -- I will {have} mercy have -- I would {have} told you have -- if a man {have} an hundred sheep have -- if any man {have} ears to hear have -- if any man {have} ears to hear have -- if I {have} spoken evil have -- if I {have} told you earthly things have -- if the salt {have} lost his saltness have -- if the salt {have} lost his savour have -- if the salt {have} lost his savour have -- if therefore ye {have} not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon have -- if they {have} called the master of the house beelzebub have -- if they {have} kept my saying have -- if they {have} persecuted me have -- if ye {have} faith have -- if ye {have} faith as a grain of mustard seed have -- if ye {have} love one to another have -- if ye {have} not been faithful in that which is another man's have -- if ye {have} ought against any have -- in me ye might {have} peace have -- in secret {have} I said nothing have -- in the world ye shall {have} tribulation have -- in them ye think ye {have} eternal life have -- in thy name {have} cast out devils have -- inasmuch as ye {have} done have -- it would {have} remained until this day have -- know ye what I {have} done to you have -- many good works {have} I showed you from my father have -- many prophets and kings {have} desired to see those things which ye see have -- may {have} everlasting life have -- me ye {have} not always have -- me ye {have} not always have -- me ye {have} not always have -- neither {have} two coats apiece have -- not {have} suffered his house to be broken through have -- notwithstanding I {have} a few things against thee have -- now {have} they both seen and hated both me and my father have -- now I {have} told you before it come to pass have -- now they {have} known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me are of thee have -- now they {have} no cloak for their sin have -- now ye are clean through the word which I {have} spoken unto you have -- or {have} ye not read in the law have -- otherwise ye {have} no reward of your father which is in heaven have -- ought not christ to {have} suffered these things have -- poor always ye {have} with you have -- poor {have} the gospel preached to them have -- rather give alms of such things as ye {have} have -- shall {have} one sheep have -- shall {have} the light of life have -- shouldest not thou also {have} had compassion on thy fellowservant have -- slow of heart to believe all that the prophets {have} spoken have -- so hath he given to the son to {have} life in himself have -- so {have} I loved you have -- teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I {have} commanded you have -- tell john what things ye {have} seen and heard have -- testify that we {have} seen have -- than all they which {have} cast into the treasury have -- their eyes they {have} closed have -- then shalt thou {have} worship in the presence of them that sit at meat with thee have -- therefore whatsoever ye {have} spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light have -- these {have} known that thou hast sent me have -- these {have} no root have -- these last {have} wrought have -- these ought ye to {have} done have -- these ought ye to {have} done have -- these that ye {have} one to another have -- these things {have} I spoken unto you have -- these things {have} I spoken unto you have -- these things {have} I spoken unto you have -- these things {have} I spoken unto you in proverbs have -- these things {have} I told you have -- these things I {have} spoken unto you have -- they {have} believed that thou didst send me have -- they {have} done unto him whatsoever they listed have -- they {have} kept thy word have -- they {have} moses and the prophets have -- they {have} received have -- they {have} their reward have -- they {have} their reward have -- they {have} their reward have -- they may {have} glory of men have -- they might {have} my joy fulfilled in themselves have -- they supposed that they should {have} received more have -- they that are whole {have} no need of the physician have -- they that {have} done evil have -- they that {have} done good have -- they that {have} not seen have -- they would {have} repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes have -- things concerning me {have} an end have -- this commandment {have} I received of my father have -- those that thou gavest me I {have} kept have -- thou couldest {have} no power have -- thou hast a few names even in sardis which {have} not defiled their garments have -- thou oughtest therefore to {have} put my money to the exchangers have -- thou shalt {have} treasure in heaven have -- thou shalt {have} treasure in heaven have -- thou shalt {have} treasure in heaven have -- thou wouldest {have} asked of him have -- thus {have} ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition have -- till I {have} eaten and drunken have -- till they {have} seen the kingdom of God come with power have -- to know that I {have} loved thee have -- to whom men {have} committed much have -- walk while ye {have} the light have -- we {have} done that which was our duty to do have -- we {have} eaten and drunk in thy presence have -- we {have} mourned to you have -- we {have} mourned unto you have -- we {have} one father have -- we {have} piped unto you have -- we {have} piped unto you have -- we will not {have} this have -- we would not {have} been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets have -- what {have} I to do with thee have -- what I {have} said unto them have -- what reward {have} ye have -- what thank {have} ye have -- what thank {have} ye have -- what thank {have} ye have -- whatsoever I {have} said unto you have -- whatsoever we {have} heard done in capernaum have -- when I {have} dipped have -- when they {have} heard have -- when they {have} heard have -- when they {have} heard the word have -- when ye {have} lifted up the son of man have -- when ye shall {have} done all those things which are commanded you have -- where {have} ye laid him have -- which {have} been done in thee have -- which {have} been done in you have -- which {have} borne the burden and heat of the day have -- which {have} made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake have -- which {have} not known the depths of satan have -- which I {have} heard of God have -- which I {have} kept laid up in a napkin have -- which neither {have} storehouse nor barn have -- which of you shall {have} a friend have -- which of you shall {have} an ass or an ox fallen into a pit have -- which ye {have} delivered have -- which ye {have} spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops have -- while ye {have} light have -- with desire I {have} desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer have -- word that I {have} spoken have -- would not {have} suffered his house to be broken up have -- ye also {have} seen me have -- ye are they which {have} continued with me in my temptations have -- ye do that which ye {have} seen with your father have -- ye {have} done have -- ye {have} heard how I said unto you have -- ye {have} heard of me have -- ye {have} heard that it hath been said have -- ye {have} heard that it hath been said have -- ye {have} heard that it hath been said by them of old time have -- ye {have} heard that it was said by them of old time have -- ye {have} heard that it was said by them of old time have -- ye {have} made it a den of thieves have -- ye {have} made it a den of thieves have -- ye {have} made it a den of thieves have -- ye {have} neither heard his voice at any time have -- ye {have} no life in you have -- ye {have} not chosen me have -- ye {have} not danced have -- ye {have} not danced have -- ye {have} not his word abiding in you have -- ye {have} not lamented have -- ye {have} not the love of God in you have -- ye {have} not wept have -- ye {have} received your consolation have -- ye {have} taken away the key of knowledge have -- ye {have} the poor always with you have -- ye {have} the poor with you always have -- ye might {have} life have -- ye now therefore {have} sorrow have -- ye shall {have} tribulation ten days have -- ye shall not {have} gone over the cities of israel have -- ye should do as I {have} done to you have -- ye should {have} known my father also have -- ye should {have} known my father also have -- ye should {have} no sin have -- ye which {have} followed me have -- ye would {have} believed me have -- ye would not {have} condemned the guiltless have -- yet ye {have} not known him have -- your father knoweth that ye {have} need of these things have -- your father knoweth what things ye {have} need of have -- your heavenly father knoweth that ye {have} need of all these things have -- they might {have } have -- as ye see me {have } have -- nevertheless I {have } have -- other sheep I {have } have -- sell that ye {have } have -- that which ye {have } have -- whether he {have } have -- ye shall {have } have -- let him {have } have -- to {have } having -- either what woman {having} ten pieces of silver having -- {having} a servant plowing or feeding cattle having -- {having} an hundred sheep having -- {having} ears having -- {having} eyes having -- {having} heard the word having -- {having} no part dark having -- {having} put his hand to the plow having -- {having} received the kingdom having -- {having} yet therefore one son having -- how camest thou in hither not {having} a wedding garment having -- no man also {having} drunk old having -- rather than {having} two eyes to be cast into hell fire having -- rather than {having} two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire having -- than {having} two eyes to be cast into hell fire having -- than {having} two feet to be cast into hell having -- than {having} two hands to go into hell he -- about the eleventh hour {he} went out he -- after {he} hath laid the foundation he -- after that {he} had called him he -- after that {he} is killed he -- afterward {he} repented he -- afterward {he} said within himself he -- again {he} sent a third he -- again {he} sent another he -- again {he} sent another servant he -- again {he} sent unto them another servant he -- again {he} went out about the sixth and ninth hour he -- all that {he} had he -- all the churches shall know that I am {he} which searcheth the reins and hearts he -- as {he} came and drew nigh to the house he -- as {he} journeyed he -- as {he} sowed he -- as {he} sowed he -- as {he} that doth serve he -- at an hour when {he} is not aware he -- at the season {he} sent a servant to the husbandmen he -- at the season {he} sent to the husbandmen a servant he -- because {he} had done wisely he -- because {he} hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he -- because {he} hath not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God he -- because {he} hath received him safe and sound he -- because {he} is an hireling he -- because {he} is his friend he -- because {he} is the son of man he -- because {he} seeth the light of this world he -- both he that soweth and {he} that reapeth may rejoice together he -- both {he} that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together he -- bread of God is {he} which cometh down from heaven he -- by and by {he} is offended he -- came where {he} was he -- consulteth whether {he} be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand he -- did not {he} that made that which is without make that which is within also he -- doth {he} not leave the ninety and nine he -- doth he thank that servant because {he} did the things that were commanded him he -- doth {he} thank that servant because he did the things that were commanded him he -- either {he} will hate the one he -- either {he} will hate the one he -- even {he} shall live by me he -- even so the son quickeneth whom {he} will he -- even that {he} hath shall be taken away from him he -- every branch in me that beareth not fruit {he} taketh away he -- except {he} first bind the strong man he -- except {he} will first bind the strong man he -- first must {he} suffer many things he -- follow him into the house where {he} entereth in he -- forasmuch as {he} had not to pay he -- forsomuch as {he} also is a son of abraham he -- from him shall be taken away even that {he} hath he -- from him shall be taken even that which {he} hath he -- from him shall be taken even that which {he} seemeth to have he -- from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which {he} hath he -- good were it for that man if {he} had never been born he -- hardness of your heart {he} wrote you this precept he -- {he} also gained other two he -- {he} also that had received two talents came and said he -- he also that received seed among the thorns is {he} that heareth the word he -- {he} also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word he -- {he} answered and said he -- {he} answered and said he -- {he} answered and said he -- {he} answered one of them he -- {he} answering said to he -- {he} answering said unto him he -- {he} arose he -- {he} ask he -- {he} bare witness unto the truth he -- {he} becometh unfruitful he -- {he} began to be in want he -- {he} called him he -- {he} called his ten servants he -- {he} called one of the servants he -- {he} calleth his own sheep by name he -- {he} calleth together he -- {he} came and sought fruit thereon he -- {he} came to the first he -- {he} came to the second he -- {he} cannot be my disciple he -- {he} cannot be my disciple he -- {he} cannot enter into the kingdom of God he -- {he} cannot see the kingdom of God he -- {he} cannot stand he -- {he} cast into the sea he -- {he} cried and said he -- {he} divided unto them he -- {he} doeth the works he -- {he} dwelleth with you he -- {he} findeth he -- {he} findeth he -- {he} frankly forgave them both he -- {he} from within shall answer and say he -- {he} gave his only begotten son he -- {he} gave me a commandment he -- {he} goeth before them he -- {he} had compassion he -- {he} hath a devil he -- {he} hath a devil he -- {he} hath seen the father he -- {he} hath sent me he -- {he} hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted he -- {he} hath shortened the days he -- {he} hath ten pounds he -- {he} heard music and dancing he -- {he} hideth he -- {he} is he -- {he} is he -- {he} is a chosen vessel unto me he -- {he} is a debtor he -- {he} is a liar he -- {he} is at hand that doth betray me he -- {he} is cast forth as a branch he -- {he} is divided against himself he -- {he} is guilty he -- {he} is in the desert he -- {he} is kind unto the unthankful and he -- {he} is like a man which built an house he -- {he} is not a God of the dead he -- {he} is not the God of the dead he -- {he} is your God he -- {he} it is he -- {he} it is that loveth me he -- {he} knoweth not how he -- {he} laid hands on him he -- {he} layeth he -- {he} maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good he -- {he} may abide with you for ever he -- {he} may dip the tip of his finger in water he -- {he} may give it you he -- {he} may say unto thee he -- {he} may sift he -- {he} may testify unto them he -- {he} might know how much every man had gained by trading he -- {he} might receive from the husbandmen of the fruit of the vineyard he -- {he} might receive his sight he -- {he} must suffer many things he -- {he} passed by on the other side he -- {he} prayeth he -- {he} purgeth it he -- {he} rejoiceth more of that he -- {he} said he -- {he} said he -- {he} said he -- {he} said he -- {he} said he -- {he} said he -- {he} said also unto his disciples he -- {he} said likewise to him he -- {he} said unto him he -- {he} said unto him he -- {he} said unto him he -- {he} said unto him he -- {he} said unto him he -- {he} said unto him he -- {he} said unto the sick of the palsy he -- {he} said unto them he -- {he} said unto them he -- {he} said unto them that stood by he -- {he} saith he -- {he} saith he -- {he} saith to the sick of the palsy he -- {he} saith unto him he -- {he} saith unto him he -- {he} saith unto him he -- {he} saith unto them he -- {he} saith unto them he -- {he} saw he -- {he} saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment he -- {he} sendeth an ambassage he -- {he} sent forth his armies he -- {he} sent forth other servants he -- {he} sent him also last unto them he -- {he} sent him into his fields to feed swine he -- {he} sent his servants to the husbandmen he -- {he} sent me he -- {he} sent other servants more than the first he -- {he} sent them into his vineyard he -- {he} shall answer and say unto you he -- {he} shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven he -- {he} shall be delivered unto the gentiles he -- {he} shall be free he -- {he} shall be free he -- {he} shall be saved he -- {he} shall come and destroy these husbandmen he -- {he} shall gird himself he -- {he} shall give you another comforter he -- {he} shall glorify me he -- {he} shall go no more out he -- {he} shall have abundance he -- {he} shall have more abundance he -- he shall have whatsoever {he} saith he -- {he} shall have whatsoever he saith he -- {he} shall in no wise lose his reward he -- {he} shall know of the doctrine he -- {he} shall live for ever he -- {he} shall make him ruler over all his goods he -- {he} shall never see death he -- {he} shall not enter therein he -- {he} shall not lose his reward he -- {he} shall not speak of himself he -- {he} shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels he -- {he} shall receive an hundredfold now in this time he -- {he} shall receive of mine he -- {he} shall rise the third day he -- {he} shall rule them with a rod of iron he -- {he} shall say he -- {he} shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet he -- {he} shall separate them one from another he -- {he} shall set the sheep on his right hand he -- {he} shall show you a large upper room furnished he -- {he} shall take of mine he -- {he} shall teach you all things he -- {he} shall testify of me he -- {he} should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him he -- {he} speaketh of his own he -- {he} stumbleth he -- {he} stumbleth not he -- he taketh from him all his armour wherein {he} trusted he -- {he} taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted he -- {he} that abideth in me he -- {he} that bade thee and him come and say to thee he -- {he} that believeth and is baptized shall be saved he -- {he} that believeth in me he -- {he} that believeth not is condemned already he -- {he} that believeth not shall be damned he -- {he} that believeth on him is not condemned he -- {he} that believeth on me he -- {he} that believeth on me he -- {he} that believeth on me he -- {he} that believeth on me hath everlasting life he -- {he} that believeth on me shall never thirst he -- {he} that betrayeth me is at hand he -- {he} that came down from heaven he -- {he} that cometh in the name of the lord he -- {he} that cometh in the name of the lord he -- {he} that cometh to me shall never hunger he -- {he} that curseth father or mother he -- {he} that denieth me before men shall be denied before the angels of God he -- {he} that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me he -- {he} that despiseth you despiseth me he -- {he} that dippeth he -- {he} that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven he -- {he} that doeth truth cometh to the light he -- {he} that eateth bread with me hath lifted up his heel against me he -- {he} that eateth my flesh he -- {he} that eateth of this bread shall live for ever he -- {he} that endureth to the end shall be saved he -- {he} that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep he -- {he} that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold he -- {he} that findeth his life shall lose it he -- {he} that followeth me shall not walk in darkness he -- {he} that gathereth not with me scattereth he -- {he} that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad he -- {he} that had received one went and digged in the earth he -- {he} that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal he -- {he} that hateth me hateth my father also he -- {he} that hath he -- {he} that hath a purse he -- {he} that hath an ear he -- {he} that hath an ear he -- {he} that hath an ear he -- {he} that hath an ear he -- {he} that hath an ear he -- {he} that hath an ear he -- {he} that hath an ear he -- {he} that hath ears to hear he -- {he} that hath ears to hear he -- {he} that hath ears to hear he -- {he} that hath ears to hear he -- {he} that hath my commandments he -- {he} that hath no sword he -- {he} that hath not he -- {he} that hath seen me hath seen the father he -- {he} that hath the key of david he -- {he} that heareth he -- {he} that heareth my word he -- {he} that heareth you heareth me he -- {he} that honoureth not the son honoureth not the father which hath sent him he -- {he} that humbleth himself shall be exalted he -- {he} that humbleth himself shall be exalted he -- {he} that is able to receive he -- {he} that is an hireling he -- {he} that is chief he -- {he} that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much he -- {he} that is greatest among you he -- {he} that is greatest among you shall be your servant he -- {he} that is in the field he -- {he} that is least among you all he -- he that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than {he} he -- {he} that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he he -- {he} that is not against us is for us he -- {he} that is not against us is on our part he -- {he} that is not with me is against me he -- {he} that is not with me is against me he -- {he} that is of God heareth God's words he -- {he} that is true he -- {he} that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much he -- {he} that is washed needeth not save to wash he -- {he} that is without sin among you he -- {he} that knew not he -- {he} that layeth up treasure for himself he -- {he} that liveth he -- {he} that loseth his life for my sake shall find it he -- {he} that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me he -- {he} that loveth his life shall lose it he -- {he} that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings he -- {he} that loveth me shall be loved of my father he -- {he} that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me he -- {he} that openeth he -- {he} that overcometh he -- {he} that overcometh he -- {he} that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death he -- {he} that reapeth receiveth wages he -- he that received seed into the good ground is {he} that heareth the word he -- {he} that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word he -- {he} that received the seed into stony places he -- {he} that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward he -- {he} that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward he -- {he} that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me he -- {he} that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me he -- {he} that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me he -- {he} that receiveth you receiveth me he -- {he} that rejecteth me he -- {he} that seeketh findeth he -- {he} that seeketh findeth he -- {he} that seeketh his glory that sent him he -- {he} that seeth me seeth him that sent me he -- {he} that sent me is true he -- {he} that sent me is true he -- {he} that sent me is with me he -- {he} that shall blaspheme against the holy ghost hath never forgiveness he -- {he} that shall endure unto the end he -- {he} that shall endure unto the end he -- {he} that shall humble himself shall be exalted he -- {he} that shall swear by heaven he -- {he} that sitteth at meat he -- {he} that soweth the good seed is the son of man he -- {he} that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory he -- {he} that taketh not his cross he -- he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither {he} goeth he -- {he} that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth he -- {he} thought within himself he -- {he} took out two pence he -- {he} walketh through dry places he -- {he} walketh through dry places he -- {he} was a burning and a shining light he -- {he} was a murderer from the beginning he -- {he} was angry he -- {he} was lost he -- {he} was reckoned among the transgressors he -- {he} was speechless he -- {he} was wroth he -- {he} went and joined himself to a citizen of that country he -- {he} went out about the third hour he -- {he} were cast into the sea he -- {he} were drowned in the depth of the sea he -- {he} which made he -- {he} which shall be upon the housetop he -- {he} whom thou now hast is not thy husband he -- {he} will come and destroy the husbandmen he -- {he} will give he -- {he} will guide you into all truth he -- {he} will keep my words he -- he will make him ruler over all that {he} hath he -- {he} will make him ruler over all that he hath he -- {he} will reprove the world of sin he -- {he} will send forth labourers into his harvest he -- {he} will show him greater works than these he -- {he} will show you a large upper room furnished he -- {he} will show you things to come he -- {he} with me he -- {he} would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat he -- {he} would have given thee living water he -- {he} would have watched he -- {he} would have watched he -- {he} would not he -- {he} would not for a while he -- {he} would send forth labourers into his harvest he -- {he} wrote of me he -- how {he} entered into the house of God he -- how {he} went into the house of God he -- how {he} went into the house of God in the days of abiathar the high priest he -- how is {he} his son he -- how is {he} then his son he -- I am among you as {he} that serveth he -- I know that the witness which {he} witnesseth of me is true he -- I tell you that {he} will avenge them speedily he -- I will show him how great things {he} must suffer for my name's sake he -- I will show you to whom {he} is like he -- if {he} called them Gods he -- if {he} gain the whole world he -- if {he} lose one of them he -- if {he} neglect to hear the church he -- if {he} repent he -- if {he} shall come in the second watch he -- if {he} shall gain the whole world he -- if {he} shall gain the whole world he -- if {he} shall hear thee he -- if {he} shall neglect to hear them he -- if {he} trespass against thee seven times in a day he -- if {he} will not hear he -- if I will that {he} tarry till I come he -- if so be that {he} find it he -- if ye shall see the son of man ascend up where {he} was before he -- immediately {he} putteth in the sickle he -- in an hour that {he} is not aware of he -- in hell {he} lift up his eyes he -- it had been good for that man if {he} had not been born he -- it is enough for the disciple that {he} be as his master he -- it is {he} that talketh with thee he -- joy thereof goeth and selleth all that {he} hath he -- last of all {he} sent unto them his son he -- lest coming suddenly {he} find you sleeping he -- lest {he} hale thee to the judge he -- likewise {he} that he -- lord of that servant shall come in a day when {he} looketh not for he -- lord of that servant will come in a day when {he} looketh not for he -- man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which {he} possesseth he -- neither he that is sent greater than {he} that sent him he -- neither {he} that is sent greater than he that sent him he -- not {he} that sitteth at meat he -- notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than {he} he -- notwithstanding {he} that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he he -- now {he} is comforted he -- of all which {he} hath given me I should lose nothing he -- on the morrow when {he} departed he -- or else {he} will hold to the one he -- or else {he} will hold to the one he -- or {he} that serveth he -- or if {he} ask a fish he -- or if {he} shall ask an egg he -- same is {he} that heareth the word he -- same was accused unto him that {he} had wasted his goods he -- save {he} which is of God he -- shall believe that those things which {he} saith shall come to pass he -- shall {he} find faith on the earth he -- shall {he} speak he -- so hath {he} given to the son to have life in himself he -- so {he} called every one of his lord's debtors he -- so {he} that eateth me he -- so {he} that had received five talents came and brought other five talents he -- straightway {he} will send him hither he -- straightway {he} will send them he -- than that {he} should offend one of these little ones he -- than these shall {he} do he -- then {he} commanded these servants to be called unto him he -- then {he} said he -- then {he} saith he -- then {he} shall reward every man according to his works he -- then {he} that had received the five talents went and traded with the same he -- then {he} which had received the one talent came and said he -- then {he} will spoil his house he -- then {he} will spoil his house he -- then said {he} to another he -- then said {he} unto the dresser of his vineyard he -- then saith {he} to his servants he -- then shall {he} answer them he -- then shall {he} say also unto them on the left hand he -- then shall {he} send his angels he -- then shall {he} sit upon the throne of his glory he -- therefore {he} that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin he -- these things saith {he} that hath the seven spirits of God he -- these things saith {he} that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand he -- these things saith {he} that is holy he -- these things saith {he} which hath the sharp sword with two edges he -- third day {he} shall be raised again he -- third day {he} shall rise again he -- third day {he} shall rise again he -- third day {he} shall rise again he -- this is {he} which received seed by the way side he -- though {he} bear long with them he -- though {he} were dead he -- though {he} will not rise and give him he -- till {he} should pay all that was due unto him he -- till {he} should pay the debt he -- to whom {he} had given the money he -- until {he} find it he -- unto one {he} gave five talents he -- went and sold all that {he} had he -- what {he} seeth the father do he -- what things soever {he} doeth he -- what will {he} do unto those husbandmen he -- whatsoever {he} shall hear he -- when a stronger than {he} shall come upon him he -- when {he} calleth the lord the God of abraham he -- when {he} came to himself he -- when {he} cometh he -- when {he} cometh and knocketh he -- when {he} cometh home he -- when {he} cometh in the glory of his father with the holy angels he -- when {he} had agreed with the labourers for a penny a day he -- when {he} had begun to reckon he -- when {he} had found one pearl of great price he -- when {he} had need he -- when {he} had spent all he -- when {he} hath found he -- when {he} hath lighted a candle he -- when {he} hath lighted a candle he -- when {he} is come he -- when {he} is come he -- when {he} is come from the field he -- when {he} is made he -- when {he} putteth forth his own sheep he -- when {he} saw him he -- when {he} saw him he -- when {he} shall come in his own glory he -- when {he} sowed he -- when {he} speaketh a lie he -- when {he} that bade thee cometh he -- when {he} was an hungred he -- when {he} was at the place he -- when {he} was returned he -- when {he} was yet a great way off he -- when {he} will return from the wedding he -- wheresoever {he} shall go in he -- whether {he} have he -- which after {he} hath killed hath power to cast into hell he -- which no man knoweth saving {he} that receiveth he -- whom {he} hath chosen he -- whom {he} hath sent he -- whom his lord when {he} cometh shall find so doing he -- whom his lord when {he} cometh shall find so doing he -- whom the lord when {he} cometh shall find watching he -- whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that {he} hath he -- whosoever {he} be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath he -- whosoever killeth you will think that {he} doeth God service he -- will {he} clothe he -- will {he} for a fish give him a serpent he -- will {he} give him a serpent he -- will {he} give him a stone he -- will {he} give him a stone he -- will {he} not lay hold on it he -- will {he} offer him a scorpion he -- woe unto that man by whom {he} is betrayed he -- works that I do shall {he} do also he -- ye believe on him whom {he} hath sent he -- yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as {he} needeth he -- yet because of his importunity {he} will rise and give him as many as he needeth he -- yet hath {he} not root in himself he -- yet shall {he} live he -- howbeit when {he } he -- whence is {he } he -- whose son is {he } he -- shall {he } he -- then goeth {he } he -- then goeth {he } head -- even the very hairs of your {head} are all numbered head -- my {head} with oil thou didst not anoint head -- same is become the {head} of the corner head -- same is become the {head} of the corner head -- stone which the builders rejected is become the {head} of the corner head -- there shall not an hair of your {head} perish head -- very hairs of your {head} are all numbered head -- neither shalt thou swear by thy {head } head -- with the hairs of her {head } head -- apoint thine {head } head -- in the {head } heads -- lift up your {heads } heal -- he hath sent me to {heal} the brokenhearted heal -- {heal} the sick heal -- {heal} the sick that are therein heal -- {heal} thyself heal -- I should {heal} them heal -- I will come and {heal} him heal -- is it lawful to {heal} on the sabbath day hear -- because ye cannot {hear} my word hear -- eyes and {hear} with hear -- go and show john again those things which ye do {hear} and see hear -- {hear} another parable hear -- {hear} what the unjust judge saith hear -- {hear} ye not hear -- {hear} ye therefore the parable of the sower hear -- hearing they {hear} not hear -- how is it that I {hear} this of thee hear -- if any man {hear} my voice hear -- if any man {hear} my words hear -- if he neglect to {hear} the church hear -- if he shall {hear} thee hear -- if he shall neglect to {hear} them hear -- if they {hear} not moses and the prophets hear -- in the which all that are in the graves shall {hear} his voice hear -- let him {hear} what the spirit saith unto the churches hear -- let him {hear} what the spirit saith unto the churches hear -- let him {hear} what the spirit saith unto the churches hear -- let him {hear} what the spirit saith unto the churches hear -- let him {hear} what the spirit saith unto the churches hear -- let him {hear} what the spirit saith unto the churches hear -- let him {hear} what the spirit saith unto the churches hear -- let them {hear} them hear -- my mother and my brethren are these which {hear} the word of God hear -- my sheep {hear} my voice hear -- nor {hear} you hear -- nor {hear} your words hear -- she came from the utmost parts of the earth to {hear} the wisdom of solomon hear -- she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to {hear} the wisdom of solomon hear -- sheep did not {hear} them hear -- sheep {hear} his voice hear -- such as {hear} the word hear -- such as {hear} the word hear -- they shall {hear} my voice hear -- they that {hear} shall live hear -- they that {hear} the word of God hear -- those by the way side are they that {hear} hear -- to {hear} those things which ye hear hear -- unto you that {hear} shall more be given hear -- what ye {hear} in the ear hear -- when the dead shall {hear} the voice of the son of God hear -- when ye shall {hear} of wars and commotions hear -- when ye shall {hear} of wars and rumours of wars hear -- word which ye {hear} is not mine hear -- ye shall {hear} of wars and rumours of wars hear -- take heed therefore how ye {hear } hear -- to hear those things which ye {hear } hear -- by hearing ye shall {hear } hear -- he that hath ears to {hear } hear -- he that hath ears to {hear } hear -- he that hath ears to {hear } hear -- he that hath ears to {hear } hear -- hearing they may {hear } hear -- I say unto you which {hear } hear -- if any man have ears to {hear } hear -- if any man have ears to {hear } hear -- if he will not {hear } hear -- whatsoever he shall {hear } hear -- deaf {hear } hear -- take heed what ye {hear } hear -- who hath ears to {hear } hear -- who hath ears to {hear } hear -- ye therefore {hear } hear -- as I {hear } hear -- deaf {hear } hear -- let him {hear } hear -- let him {hear } hear -- let him {hear } hear -- let him {hear } hear -- let him {hear } hear -- let him {hear } hear -- let him {hear } hear -- let him {hear } hear -- they {hear } hear -- to {hear } hear -- when they {hear } hear -- which ye {hear } heard -- all things that I have {heard} of my father I have made known unto you heard -- ask them which {heard} me heard -- common people {heard} him gladly heard -- having {heard} the word heard -- he {heard} music and dancing heard -- I speak to the world those things which I have {heard} of him heard -- I thank thee that thou hast {heard} me heard -- remember therefore how thou hast received and {heard} heard -- tell john what things ye have seen and {heard} heard -- therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be {heard} in the light heard -- they think that they shall be {heard} for their much speaking heard -- whatsoever we have {heard} done in capernaum heard -- when they have {heard} the word heard -- which I have {heard} of God heard -- ye have {heard} how I said unto you heard -- ye have {heard} of me heard -- ye have {heard} that it hath been said heard -- ye have {heard} that it hath been said heard -- ye have {heard} that it hath been said by them of old time heard -- ye have {heard} that it was said by them of old time heard -- ye have {heard} that it was said by them of old time heard -- ye have neither {heard} his voice at any time heard -- every man therefore that hath {heard } heard -- when the king {heard } heard -- when they have {heard } heard -- have not {heard } heard -- have not {heard } heard -- when they have {heard } hearest -- I knew that thou {hearest} me always hearest -- thou {hearest} the sound thereof heareth -- every one that {heareth} these sayings of mine heareth -- every one that is of the truth {heareth} my voice heareth -- he also that received seed among the thorns is he that {heareth} the word heareth -- he that {heareth} my word heareth -- he that heareth you {heareth} me heareth -- he that {heareth} you heareth me heareth -- he that is of God {heareth} God's words heareth -- he that received seed into the good ground is he that {heareth} the word heareth -- {heareth} my sayings heareth -- same is he that {heareth} the word heareth -- therefore whosoever {heareth} these sayings of mine heareth -- when any one {heareth} the word of the kingdom heareth -- he that {heareth } hearing -- by {hearing} ye shall hear hearing -- {hearing} they hear not hearing -- {hearing} they may hear hearing -- {hearing} they might not understand hearing -- ears are dull of {hearing } hearken -- {hearken} unto me every one heart -- an evil man out of the evil treasure of his {heart} bringeth forth that which is evil heart -- and if that evil servant shall say in his {heart} heart -- and if that servant say in his {heart} heart -- catcheth away that which was sown in his {heart} heart -- good man out of the good treasure of his {heart} bringeth forth that which is good heart -- good man out of the good treasure of the {heart} bringeth forth good things heart -- hardness of your {heart} he wrote you this precept heart -- have ye your {heart} yet hardened heart -- let not your {heart} be troubled heart -- let not your {heart} be troubled heart -- of the abundance of the {heart} his mouth speaketh heart -- out of the abundance of the {heart} the mouth speaketh heart -- out of the {heart} of men heart -- out of the {heart} proceed evil thoughts heart -- slow of {heart} to believe all that the prophets have spoken heart -- so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the {heart} of the earth heart -- their {heart} is far from me heart -- their {heart} is far from me heart -- there will your {heart} be also heart -- there will your {heart} be also heart -- this people's {heart} is waxed gross heart -- those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the {heart} heart -- thou shalt love the lord thy God with all thy {heart} heart -- thou shalt love the lord thy God with all thy {heart} heart -- whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his {heart} heart -- your {heart} shall rejoice heart -- because it entereth not into his {heart } heart -- I am meek and lowly in {heart } heart -- shall not doubt in his {heart } heart -- which in an honest and good {heart } heart -- sorrow hath filled your {heart } heart -- pure in {heart } hearts -- all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and {hearts} hearts -- if ye from your {hearts} forgive not every one his brother their trespasses hearts -- lest at any time your {hearts} be overcharged with surfeiting hearts -- men's {hearts} failing them for fear hearts -- moses because of the hardness of your {hearts} suffered you to put away your wives hearts -- taketh away the word out of their {hearts} hearts -- taketh away the word that was sown in their {hearts} hearts -- why do thoughts arise in your {hearts} hearts -- why reason ye these things in your {hearts} hearts -- wherefore think ye evil in your {hearts } hearts -- God knoweth your {hearts } hearts -- therefore in your {hearts } hearts -- what reason ye in your {hearts } heat -- which have borne the burden and {heat} of the day heat -- there will be {heat } heathen -- let him be unto thee as a {heathen} man and a publican heathen -- as the {heathen } heaven -- all power is given unto me in {heaven} and in earth heaven -- are as the angels which are in {heaven} heaven -- because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of {heaven} heaven -- because your names are written in {heaven} heaven -- bread of God is he which cometh down from {heaven} heaven -- even as your father which is in {heaven} is perfect heaven -- even so it is not the will of your father which is in {heaven} heaven -- fearful sights and great signs shall there be from {heaven} heaven -- from one end of {heaven} to the other heaven -- from the days of john the baptist until now the kingdom of {heaven} suffereth violence heaven -- from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of {heaven} heaven -- glorify your father which is in {heaven} heaven -- he shall be called the least in the kingdom of {heaven} heaven -- he that doeth the will of my father which is in {heaven} heaven -- {heaven} and earth shall pass away heaven -- {heaven} and earth shall pass away heaven -- {heaven} and earth shall pass away heaven -- hereafter ye shall see {heaven} open heaven -- him will I also deny before my father which is in {heaven} heaven -- him will I confess also before my father which is in {heaven} heaven -- how much more shall your father which is in {heaven} give good things to them that ask him heaven -- I am the living bread which came down from {heaven} heaven -- I beheld satan as lightning fall from {heaven} heaven -- I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of {heaven} heaven -- in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my father which is in {heaven} heaven -- in {heaven} their angels do always behold the face of my father which is in heaven heaven -- instructed unto the kingdom of {heaven} is like unto a man heaven -- it is easier for {heaven} and earth to pass heaven -- it shall be done for them of my father which is in {heaven} heaven -- kingdom of {heaven} is heaven -- kingdom of {heaven} is at hand heaven -- kingdom of {heaven} is at hand heaven -- kingdom of {heaven} is like to a grain of mustard seed heaven -- kingdom of {heaven} is like unto a certain king heaven -- kingdom of {heaven} is like unto a man heaven -- kingdom of {heaven} is like unto a merchant man heaven -- kingdom of {heaven} is like unto a net heaven -- kingdom of {heaven} is like unto leaven heaven -- kingdom of {heaven} is like unto treasure hid in a field heaven -- kingdom of {heaven} is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field heaven -- lay up for yourselves treasures in {heaven} heaven -- likewise joy shall be in {heaven} over one sinner that repenteth heaven -- lord of {heaven} and earth heaven -- lord of {heaven} and earth heaven -- moses gave you not that bread from {heaven} heaven -- my father giveth you the true bread from {heaven} heaven -- neither will your father which is in {heaven} forgive your trespasses heaven -- notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of {heaven} is greater than he heaven -- otherwise ye have no reward of your father which is in {heaven} heaven -- powers of {heaven} shall be shaken heaven -- powers that are in {heaven} shall be shaken heaven -- rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of {heaven} heaven -- same day that lot went out of sodom it rained fire and brimstone from {heaven} heaven -- same is greatest in the kingdom of {heaven} heaven -- same shall be called great in the kingdom of {heaven} heaven -- stars of {heaven} shall fall heaven -- then shall appear the sign of the son of man in {heaven} heaven -- then shall the kingdom of {heaven} be likened unto ten virgins heaven -- therefore is the kingdom of {heaven} likened unto a certain king heaven -- they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds of {heaven} with power and great glory heaven -- this is that bread which came down from {heaven} heaven -- this is the bread which cometh down from {heaven} heaven -- till {heaven} and earth pass heaven -- whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in {heaven} heaven -- whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in {heaven} heaven -- whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in {heaven} heaven -- whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in {heaven} heaven -- when the {heaven} was shut up three years and six months heaven -- which cometh down out of {heaven} from my God heaven -- whosoever shall do the will of my father which is in {heaven} heaven -- ye may be the children of your father which is in {heaven} heaven -- ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of {heaven} heaven -- ye shall not enter into the kingdom of {heaven} heaven -- ye shut up the kingdom of {heaven} against men heaven -- your father also which is in {heaven} may forgive you your trespasses heaven -- are as the angels of God in {heaven } heaven -- coming in the clouds of {heaven } heaven -- coming in the clouds of {heaven } heaven -- he that came down from {heaven } heaven -- he that shall swear by {heaven } heaven -- my father which is in {heaven } heaven -- no man hath ascended up to {heaven } heaven -- not the angels which are in {heaven } heaven -- of such is the kingdom of {heaven } heaven -- shall enter into the kingdom of {heaven } heaven -- son of man which is in {heaven } heaven -- stars shall fall from {heaven } heaven -- theirs is the kingdom of {heaven } heaven -- theirs is the kingdom of {heaven } heaven -- thou shalt have treasure in {heaven } heaven -- thou shalt have treasure in {heaven } heaven -- thou shalt have treasure in {heaven } heaven -- I came down from {heaven } heaven -- I have sinned against {heaven } heaven -- I have sinned against {heaven } heaven -- in the kingdom of {heaven } heaven -- not the angels of {heaven } heaven -- our father which art in {heaven } heaven -- our father which art in {heaven } heaven -- which art exalted to {heaven } heaven -- which art exalted unto {heaven } heaven -- eyes unto {heaven } heaven -- great in {heaven } heaven -- neither by {heaven } heaven -- was it from {heaven } heaven -- which is in {heaven } heaven -- your reward in {heaven } heaven -- as in {heaven } heaven -- from {heaven } heaven -- from {heaven } heaven -- in {heaven } heaven -- under {heaven } heaven -- under {heaven } heaven's -- which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of {heaven's} sake heavenly -- {heavenly} father give the holy spirit to them that ask him heavenly -- {heavenly} things heavenly -- so likewise shall my {heavenly} father do also unto you heavenly -- which my {heavenly} father hath not planted heavenly -- yet your {heavenly} father feedeth them heavenly -- your {heavenly} father knoweth that ye have need of all these things heavenly -- your {heavenly} father will also forgive you heavens -- powers of the {heavens} shall be shaken heavens -- treasure in the {heavens} that faileth not heavy -- labour and are {heavy} laden heavy -- they bind {heavy} burdens and grievous to be borne hedge -- set an {hedge} about hedged -- {hedged} it round about hedges -- go out into the highways and {hedges } heed -- take {heed} and beware of the leaven of the pharisees and of the sadducees heed -- take {heed} lest any heed -- take {heed} that no man deceive you heed -- take {heed} that ye be not deceived heed -- take {heed} that ye despise not one of these little ones heed -- take {heed} that ye do not your alms before men heed -- take {heed} therefore how ye hear heed -- take {heed} therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness heed -- take {heed} to yourselves heed -- take {heed} to yourselves heed -- take {heed} to yourselves heed -- take {heed} what ye hear heed -- take ye {heed } heed -- take {heed } heed -- take {heed } heed -- take ye {heed } heel -- he that eateth bread with me hath lifted up his {heel} against me heir -- this is the {heir } heir -- this is the {heir } heir -- this is the {heir } hell -- gates of {hell} shall not prevail against it hell -- have the keys of {hell} and of death hell -- how can ye escape the damnation of {hell} hell -- in {hell} he lift up his eyes hell -- rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in {hell} hell -- rather than having two eyes to be cast into {hell} fire hell -- shall be in danger of {hell} fire hell -- than having two eyes to be cast into {hell} fire hell -- than having two feet to be cast into {hell} hell -- thy whole body should be cast into {hell} hell -- thy whole body should be cast into {hell} hell -- which after he hath killed hath power to cast into {hell} hell -- ye make him twofold more the child of {hell} than yourselves hell -- than having two hands to go into {hell } hell -- shalt be brought down to {hell } hell -- shalt be thrust down to {hell } hen -- even as a {hen} gathereth her chickens under hen -- as a {hen } hence -- I will send thee far {hence} unto the gentiles hence -- remove {hence} to yonder place hence -- so that they which would pass from {hence} to you cannot hence -- ye shall be baptized with the holy ghost not many days {hence} hence -- now is my kingdom not from {hence } hence -- take these things {hence } hence -- let us go {hence } hence -- get thee {hence } henceforth -- from {henceforth} there shall be five in one house divided henceforth -- from {henceforth} thou shalt catch men henceforth -- from {henceforth} ye know him henceforth -- {henceforth} I call you not servants henceforth -- I will not drink {henceforth} of this fruit of the vine henceforth -- ye shall not see me {henceforth } henceforward -- let no fruit grow on thee {henceforward} for ever her -- all {her} living her -- also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of {her} her -- because {her} hour is come her -- causeth {her} to commit adultery her -- daughter against {her} mother her -- daughter in law against {her} mother in law her -- daughter in law against {her} mother in law her -- even as a hen gathereth {her} chickens under her -- {her} brood under her -- {her} sins her -- I gave her space to repent of {her} fornication her -- I gave {her} space to repent of her fornication her -- I will cast {her} into a bed her -- I will kill {her} children with death her -- if a woman shall put away {her} husband her -- lest by {her} continual coming she weary me her -- let {her} alone her -- let {her} alone her -- let him give {her} a writing of divorcement her -- moon shall not give {her} light her -- moon shall not give {her} light her -- mother in law against {her} daughter in law her -- she of {her} penury hath cast in all the living that she had her -- she of {her} want did cast in all that she had her -- them that commit adultery with {her} into great tribulation her -- when {her} branch is yet tender her -- whoso marrieth {her} which is put away doth commit adultery her -- whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with {her} already in his heart her -- whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after {her} hath committed adultery with her already in his heart her -- whosoever marrieth {her} that is put away from her -- whosoever shall marry {her} that is divorced committeth adultery her -- wisdom is justified of all {her} children her -- wisdom is justified of {her} children her -- with the hairs of {her} head her -- committeth adultery against {her } her -- let him first cast a stone at {her } her -- which shall not be taken away from {her } her -- be told for a memorial of {her } her -- colt with {her } her -- I will avenge {her } her -- why trouble ye {her } herbs -- ye tithe mint and rue and all manner of {herbs} herbs -- becometh greater than all {herbs } herbs -- it is the greatest among {herbs } here -- do also {here} in thy country here -- have ye {here} any meat here -- {here} is here -- there be some of them that stand {here} here -- there shall not be left {here} one stone upon another here -- why stand ye {here} all the day idle here -- there be some standing {here } here -- there be some standing {here } here -- lo {here } here -- see {here } here -- sit ye {here } here -- sit ye {here } here -- tarry ye {here } here -- tarry ye {here } hereafter -- {hereafter} I will not talk much with you hereafter -- {hereafter} shall the son of man sit on the right hand of the power of God hereafter -- {hereafter} shall ye see the son of man sitting on the right hand of power hereafter -- {hereafter} ye shall see heaven open hereafter -- no man eat fruit of thee {hereafter} for ever hereafter -- things which shall be {hereafter} hereafter -- thou shalt know {hereafter } herein -- {herein} is my father glorified herein -- {herein} is that saying true herod -- leaven of {herod } herself -- earth bringeth forth fruit of {herself} herself -- which calleth {herself} a prophetess hewn -- every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is {hewn} down hid -- because thou hast {hid} these things from the wise and prudent hid -- city that is set on an hill cannot be {hid} hid -- {hid} his lord's money hid -- {hid} in three measures of meal hid -- kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure {hid} in a field hid -- now they are {hid} from thine eyes hid -- thou hast {hid} these things from the wise and prudent hid -- went and {hid} thy talent in the earth hid -- which a woman took and {hid} in three measures of meal hid -- there is nothing {hid } hid -- neither {hid } hidden -- to him that overcometh will I give to eat of the {hidden} manna hideth -- he {hideth } high -- how he went into the house of God in the days of abiathar the {high} priest high -- until ye be endued with power from on {high} higher -- go up {higher } highest -- {highest} seats in the synagogues highest -- sit not down in the {highest} room highest -- ye shall be the children of the {highest} highly -- that which is {highly} esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God highways -- go out into the {highways} and hedges highways -- so those servants went out into the {highways} highways -- go ye therefore into the {highways } hill -- city that is set on an {hill} cannot be hid hills -- to the {hills } him -- as thou hast given {him} power over all flesh him -- at {him} they cast stones him -- because he hath received {him} safe and sound him -- because it seeth {him} not him -- because they know not {him} that sent me him -- before {him} shall be gathered all nations him -- believeth on {him} that sent me him -- bind {him} hand and foot him -- bring {him} hither to me him -- bring {him} unto me him -- brought {him} to an inn him -- by {him} that dwelleth therein him -- by {him} that sitteth thereon him -- common people heard {him} gladly him -- consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against {him} with twenty thousand him -- consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet {him} that cometh against him with twenty thousand him -- david therefore calleth {him} lord him -- david therefore himself calleth {him} lord him -- delivered {him} to the tormentors him -- doth he thank that servant because he did the things that were commanded {him} him -- entering into {him} can defile him him -- even that he hath shall be taken away from {him} him -- except it were given unto {him} of my father him -- except the father which hath sent me draw {him} him -- father seeketh such to worship {him} him -- follow {him} into the house where he entereth in him -- forbid {him} not him -- forgave {him} the debt him -- from {him} shall be taken away even that he hath him -- from {him} shall be taken even that which he hath him -- from {him} shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have him -- from {him} that hath not him -- from {him} that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath him -- from {him} that would borrow of thee turn not thou away him -- gave also to them that were with {him} him -- gave also to them which were with {him} him -- give diligence that thou mayest be delivered from {him} him -- give to {him} that asketh thee him -- go and tell him his fault between thee and {him} alone him -- go and tell {him} his fault between thee and him alone him -- go with {him} twain him -- God shall also glorify {him} in himself him -- hand of {him} that betrayeth me him -- hath given {him} authority to execute judgment also him -- have done unto {him} whatsoever they listed him -- he sent {him} also last unto them him -- he sent {him} into his fields to feed swine him -- he shall make {him} ruler over all his goods him -- he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given {him} him -- he taketh from {him} all his armour wherein he trusted him -- he that bade thee and {him} come and say to thee him -- he that believeth on {him} is not condemned him -- he that despiseth me despiseth {him} that sent me him -- he that honoureth not the son honoureth not the father which hath sent {him} him -- he that receiveth me receiveth {him} that sent me him -- he that receiveth me receiveth {him} that sent me him -- he that seeketh his glory that sent {him} him -- he that seeth me seeth {him} that sent me him -- he will make {him} ruler over all that he hath him -- he will show {him} greater works than these him -- heavenly father give the holy spirit to them that ask {him} him -- {him} hath God the father sealed him -- {him} hither him -- {him} only shalt thou serve him -- {him} only shalt thou serve him -- {him} shall the son of man also confess before the angels of God him -- {him} that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out him -- {him} that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God him -- {him} that sent me him -- {him} that taketh away thy cloak forbid not him -- {him} they killed him -- {him} will him -- {him} will I also deny before my father which is in heaven him -- {him} will I confess also before my father which is in heaven him -- {him} ye believe not him -- {him} ye will receive him -- his lord commanded {him} to be sold him -- how long is it ago since this came unto {him} him -- how much more shall your father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask {him} him -- how then doth david in spirit call {him} lord him -- I do always those things that please {him} him -- I go unto {him} that sent me him -- I judge {him} not him -- I know {him} not him -- I may awake {him} out of sleep him -- I must work the works of {him} that sent me him -- I speak to the world those things which I have heard of {him} him -- I will give {him} the morning star him -- I will liken {him} unto a wise man him -- I will raise {him} up at the last day him -- I will raise {him} up at the last day him -- I will raise {him} up at the last day him -- I will send {him} unto you him -- I will show {him} how great things he must suffer for my name's sake him -- I will write upon {him} the name of my God him -- if david then call {him} lord him -- it is better for {him} that a millstone were hanged about his neck him -- it were better for {him} that a millstone were hanged about his neck him -- it were better for {him} that a millstone were hanged about his neck him -- it will grind {him} to powder him -- it will grind {him} to powder him -- lest a more honourable man than thou be bidden of {him} him -- let {him} be as the younger him -- let {him} be unto thee as a heathen man and a publican him -- let {him} be your minister him -- let {him} be your servant him -- let {him} come unto me him -- let {him} deny himself him -- let {him} deny himself him -- let {him} deny himself him -- let {him} die the death him -- let {him} die the death him -- let {him} first cast a stone at her him -- let {him} follow me him -- let {him} give her a writing of divorcement him -- let {him} go him -- let {him} have him -- let {him} hear him -- let {him} hear him -- let {him} hear him -- let {him} hear him -- let {him} hear him -- let {him} hear him -- let {him} hear him -- let {him} hear him -- let {him} hear what the spirit saith unto the churches him -- let {him} hear what the spirit saith unto the churches him -- let {him} hear what the spirit saith unto the churches him -- let {him} hear what the spirit saith unto the churches him -- let {him} hear what the spirit saith unto the churches him -- let {him} hear what the spirit saith unto the churches him -- let {him} hear what the spirit saith unto the churches him -- let {him} likewise not return back him -- let {him} not come down to take it away him -- let {him} receive him -- let {him} sell his garment him -- let {him} take him -- let {him} that is in the field not turn back again for to take up his garment him -- let {him} that is on the housetop not go down into the house him -- let {him} that readeth understand him -- let {him} understand him -- let {him} which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house him -- my meat is to do the will of {him} that sent me him -- neither he that is sent greater than he that sent {him} him -- neither let {him} which is in the field return back to take his clothes him -- now I go my way to {him} that sent me him -- of {him} also shall the son of man be ashamed him -- of {him} shall be much required him -- of {him} shall the son of man be ashamed him -- of {him} that taketh away thy goods ask him -- of {him} they will ask the more him -- on {him} that sent me him -- possible to {him} that believe him -- publicans and the harlots believed {him} him -- put {him} to death him -- rather fear {him} which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell him -- same shall judge {him} in the last day him -- same was accused unto {him} that he had wasted his goods him -- set {him} on his own beast him -- shall cut {him} asunder him -- shall deliver {him} to the gentiles him -- shall deliver {him} to the gentiles to mock him -- shall go unto {him} at midnight him -- showeth {him} all things that himself doeth him -- so the servants of the householder came and said unto {him} him -- so they cast {him} out of the vineyard him -- son of man goeth as it is written of {him} him -- straightway he will send {him} hither him -- take from {him} the pound him -- take {him} away him -- that the works of God should be made manifest in {him} him -- that the world through {him} might be saved him -- then he commanded these servants to be called unto {him} him -- they beat {him} also him -- they have done unto {him} whatsoever they listed him -- they knew {him} not him -- they may open unto {him} immediately him -- they shall condemn {him} to death him -- they shall condemn {him} to death him -- they should give {him} of the fruit of the vineyard him -- they that were ready went in with {him} to the marriage him -- they that worship {him} must worship him -- they wounded {him} also him -- this is the will of {him} that sent me him -- thou hast killed for {him} the fatted calf him -- thou wouldest send {him} to my father's house him -- till he should pay all that was due unto {him} him -- to {him} shall be given him -- to {him} shall be given him -- to {him} shall be given him -- to {him} that hath ten pounds him -- to {him} that knocketh it shall be opened him -- to {him} that knocketh it shall be opened him -- to {him} that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna him -- to {him} that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life him -- to {him} that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne him -- to {him} the porter openeth him -- to {him} will I give power over the nations him -- turn to {him} the other also him -- unto {him} that blasphemeth against the holy ghost it shall not be forgiven him -- unto {him} that smiteth thee on the him -- unto {him} which hath ten talents him -- was neighbour unto {him} that fell among the thieves him -- water that I shall give him shall be in {him} a well of water springing up into everlasting life him -- water that I shall give {him} shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life him -- went and cast {him} into prison him -- when a stronger than he shall come upon {him} him -- which of them will love {him} most him -- which owed {him} an hundred pence him -- which owed {him} ten thousand talents him -- which stripped {him} of his raiment him -- which was not lawful for {him} to eat him -- whosoever believeth in {him} should not perish him -- whosoever believeth in {him} should not perish him -- whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give {him} shall never thirst him -- whosoever shall receive me receiveth {him} that sent me him -- will appoint {him} his portion with the unbelievers him -- will cut {him} in sunder him -- will give {him} a white stone him -- will he for a fish give {him} a serpent him -- will he give {him} a serpent him -- will he give {him} a stone him -- will he give {him} a stone him -- will he offer {him} a scorpion him -- will not straightway pull {him} out on the sabbath day him -- will of {him} that sent me him -- will say unto {him} by and by him -- ye believe on {him} whom he hath sent him -- ye believed {him} not him -- ye make {him} twofold more the child of hell than yourselves him -- ye suffer {him} no more to do ought for his father or his mother him -- yet because of his importunity he will rise and give {him} as many as he needeth him -- all the holy angels with {him } him -- because the lord hath need of {him } him -- because there is no light in {him } him -- because there is no truth in {him } him -- entering into him can defile {him } him -- from henceforth ye know {him } him -- his lord answered and said unto {him } him -- how in the bush God spake unto {him } him -- I have nothing to set before {him } him -- neither for them which were with {him } him -- nevertheless let us go unto {him } him -- no unrighteousness is in {him } him -- say ye that the lord hath need of {him } him -- shall straightway glorify {him } him -- take therefore the talent from {him } him -- then shall the righteous answer {him } him -- then shall they also answer {him } him -- things which come out of {him } him -- thou wouldest have asked of {him } him -- though he will not rise and give {him } him -- when the husbandmen saw {him } him -- which cry day and night unto {him } him -- whiles thou art in the way with {him } him -- will manifest myself to {him } him -- will not rather say unto {him } him -- after that he had called {him } him -- as it is written of {him } him -- as it is written of {him } him -- enter no more into {him } him -- first said unto {him } him -- God is glorified in {him } him -- hath one that judgeth {him } him -- he answering said unto {him } him -- he laid hands on {him } him -- he said likewise to {him } him -- his citizens hated {him } him -- his disciples said unto {him } him -- husbandmen beat {him } him -- I will come and heal {him } him -- if God be glorified in {him } him -- it shall be forgiven {him } him -- it shall be forgiven {him } him -- it shall not be forgiven {him } him -- make our abode with {him } him -- my father will love {him } him -- no man gave unto {him } him -- one was brought unto {him } him -- sent a message after {him } him -- servants said unto {him } him -- shall spit upon {him } him -- sheep follow {him } him -- son said unto {him } him -- they marvelled at {him } him -- they shall kill {him } him -- they shall kill {him } him -- they shall mock {him } him -- they that were with {him } him -- they that were with {him } him -- they which were with {him } him -- thou hast both seen {him } him -- thus shall ye say unto {him } him -- we will come unto {him } him -- ye might believe {him } him -- yet ye have not known {him } him -- abraham saith unto {him } him -- all live unto {him } him -- before ye ask {him } him -- begin to mock {him } him -- believeth on {him } him -- besought {him } him -- cannot defile {him } him -- come out of {him } him -- come out of {him } him -- come out of {him } him -- entreated {him } him -- go ye out to meet {him } him -- God said unto {him } him -- have seen {him } him -- he called {him } him -- he said unto {him } him -- he said unto {him } him -- he said unto {him } him -- he said unto {him } him -- he said unto {him } him -- he said unto {him } him -- he saith unto {him } him -- he saith unto {him } him -- he saith unto {him } him -- his father saw {him } him -- his lord said unto {him } him -- his lord said unto {him } him -- I am from {him } him -- I will come in to {him } him -- I will love {him } him -- I will write upon {him } him -- let us kill {him } him -- let us kill {him } him -- let us kill {him } him -- neither knoweth {him } him -- overcome {him } him -- said unto {him } him -- said unto {him } him -- say unto {him } him -- say unto {him } him -- shall kill {him } him -- shall scourge {him } him -- she came unto {him } him -- take care of {him } him -- then said they to {him } him -- they answered {him } him -- they caught {him } him -- they said unto {him } him -- they say unto {him } him -- they took {him } him -- thou shalt forgive {him } him -- took care of {him } him -- when he saw {him } him -- when he saw {him } him -- when they see {him } him -- where have ye laid {him } him -- which betrayed {him } him -- will flee from {him } him -- will say unto {him } him -- will sup with {him } him -- worshipped {him } him -- ye know {him } him -- beat {him } him -- fear {him } him -- fear {him } him -- follow {him } him -- forgive {him } him -- hand on {him } him -- I in {him } him -- I in {him } him -- I in {him } him -- I know {him } him -- I know {him } him -- I know {him } him -- kissed {him } him -- loose {him } him -- loose {him } him -- loose {him } him -- loosed {him } him -- rebuke {him } him -- said unto {him } him -- say ye of {him } him -- unto {him } him -- unto {him } him -- on {him } him -- on {him } him -- on {him } him -- to {him } himself -- certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for {himself} a kingdom himself -- david {himself} said by the holy ghost himself -- david {himself} saith in the book of psalms himself -- david therefore {himself} calleth him lord himself -- every one that exalteth {himself} shall be abased himself -- father {himself} loveth you himself -- he that humbleth {himself} shall be exalted himself -- he that humbleth {himself} shall be exalted himself -- he that shall humble {himself} shall be exalted himself -- he that speaketh of {himself} seeketh his own glory himself -- he went and joined {himself} to a citizen of that country himself -- if satan also be divided against {himself} himself -- pharisee stood and prayed thus with {himself} himself -- seven other spirits more wicked than {himself} himself -- showeth him all things that {himself} doeth himself -- so hath he given to the son to have life in {himself} himself -- taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than {himself} himself -- taketh with {himself} seven other spirits more wicked than himself himself -- thy father which seeth in secret {himself} shall reward thee openly himself -- when {himself} was an hungered himself -- whosoever exalteth {himself} shall be abased himself -- whosoever shall exalt {himself} shall be abased himself -- whosoever therefore shall humble {himself} as this little child himself -- afterward he said within {himself } himself -- as the father hath life in {himself } himself -- God shall also glorify him in {himself } himself -- he shall not speak of {himself } himself -- he that layeth up treasure for {himself } himself -- if satan rise up against {himself } himself -- son can do nothing of {himself } himself -- then the steward said within {himself } himself -- yet hath he not root in {himself } himself -- he is divided against {himself } himself -- he shall gird {himself } himself -- he thought within {himself } himself -- when he came to {himself } himself -- father {himself } himself -- let him deny {himself } himself -- let him deny {himself } himself -- let him deny {himself } himself -- lose {himself } hindered -- them that were entering in ye {hindered} hire -- which went out early in the morning to {hire} labourers into his vineyard hire -- labourer is worthy of his {hire } hired -- because no man hath {hired} us hired -- how many {hired} servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare hired -- make me as one of thy {hired} servants hired -- were {hired } hireling -- {hireling} fleeth hireling -- because he is an {hireling } hireling -- he that is an {hireling } his -- abide in {his} love his -- am set down with my father in {his} throne his -- among {his} own kin his -- an evil man out of the evil treasure of {his} heart bringeth forth that which is evil his -- and if that evil servant shall say in {his} heart his -- and if that servant say in {his} heart his -- another to {his} merchandise his -- because he is {his} friend his -- because it entereth not into {his} heart his -- before {his} angels his -- bound up {his} wounds his -- called {his} own servants his -- came to {his} father his -- cast into {his} garden his -- catcheth away that which was sown in {his} heart his -- cleave to {his} wife his -- delivered unto them {his} goods his -- disciple is not above {his} master his -- divideth {his} spoils his -- doth not each one of you on the sabbath loose {his} ox or his -- drink {his} blood his -- even solomon in all {his} glory was not arrayed like one of these his -- every man to {his} own his -- every one that is perfect shall be as {his} master his -- every tree is known by {his} own fruit his -- father said to {his} servants his -- fell on {his} neck his -- found one of {his} fellowservants his -- friend of mine in {his} journey is come to me his -- gave authority to {his} servants his -- go and tell him {his} fault between thee and him alone his -- God sent not {his} son into the world to condemn the world his -- good man out of the good treasure of {his} heart bringeth forth that which is good his -- good shepherd giveth {his} life for the sheep his -- had a fig tree planted in {his} vineyard his -- hate not {his} father his -- having put {his} hand to the plow his -- he called {his} ten servants his -- he calleth {his} own sheep by name his -- he gave {his} only begotten son his -- he maketh {his} sun to rise on the evil and on the good his -- he may dip the tip of {his} finger in water his -- he might receive {his} sight his -- he said also unto {his} disciples his -- he sent forth {his} armies his -- he sent him into {his} fields to feed swine his -- he sent {his} servants to the husbandmen his -- he sent them into {his} vineyard his -- he shall in no wise lose {his} reward his -- he shall make him ruler over all {his} goods his -- he shall not lose {his} reward his -- he shall send {his} angels with a great sound of a trumpet his -- he shall set the sheep on {his} right hand his -- he speaketh of {his} own his -- he taketh from him all {his} armour wherein he trusted his -- he that eateth bread with me hath lifted up {his} heel against me his -- he that findeth {his} life shall lose it his -- he that hateth {his} life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal his -- he that loseth {his} life for my sake shall find it his -- he that loveth {his} life shall lose it his -- he that seeketh {his} glory that sent him his -- he that speaketh of himself seeketh {his} own glory his -- he that taketh not {his} cross his -- he will send forth labourers into {his} harvest his -- he would fain have filled {his} belly with the husks that the swine did eat his -- he would send forth labourers into {his} harvest his -- hid {his} lord's money his -- {his} citizens hated him his -- {his} deeds may be made manifest his -- {his} disciples said unto him his -- {his} enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat his -- {his} father saw him his -- {his} feet his -- his fellowservant fell down at {his} feet his -- {his} fellowservant fell down at his feet his -- {his} fruit corrupt his -- {his} fruit good his -- {his} goods are in peace his -- {his} lord answered and said unto him his -- {his} lord commanded him to be sold his -- {his} lord said unto him his -- {his} lord said unto him his -- {his} lord was wroth his -- {his} own life also his -- {his} portion with the hypocrites his -- {his} righteousness his -- {his} son his -- {his} stuff in the house his -- {his} that sent me his -- {his} wellbeloved his -- {his} wife his -- honour not his father or {his} mother his -- honour not {his} father or his mother his -- how is he {his} son his -- how is he then {his} son his -- how shall {his} kingdom stand his -- how shall then {his} kingdom stand his -- husbandmen took {his} servants his -- I am come to set a man at variance against {his} father his -- I know that {his} commandment is life everlasting his -- I will confess {his} name before my father his -- I will not blot out {his} name out of the book of life his -- if a man shall say to {his} father or mother his -- if another shall come in {his} own name his -- if any man will do {his} will his -- if the salt have lost {his} saltness his -- if the salt have lost {his} savour his -- if the salt have lost {his} savour his -- if ye believe not {his} writings his -- if ye from your hearts forgive not every one {his} brother their trespasses his -- in hell he lift up {his} eyes his -- in {his} own country his -- in {his} own house his -- in {his} own house his -- in the regeneration when the son of man shall sit in the throne of {his} glory his -- in the which all that are in the graves shall hear {his} voice his -- it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about {his} neck his -- it is enough for the disciple that he be as {his} master his -- it is {his} footstool his -- it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about {his} neck his -- it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about {his} neck his -- keep {his} saying his -- kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in {his} field his -- labourer is worthy of {his} hire his -- last of all he sent unto them {his} son his -- lazarus in {his} bosom his -- lest {his} deeds should be reproved his -- let him sell {his} garment his -- let him that is in the field not turn back again for to take up {his} garment his -- let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of {his} house his -- let us seize on {his} inheritance his -- lord of the vineyard saith unto {his} steward his -- lord shall make ruler over {his} household his -- lose {his} own soul his -- lose {his} own soul his -- man lay down his life for {his} friends his -- man lay down {his} life for his friends his -- moreover the dogs came and licked {his} sores his -- my lord delayeth {his} coming his -- my lord delayeth {his} coming his -- neither did according to {his} will his -- neither let him which is in the field return back to take {his} clothes his -- no prophet is accepted in {his} own country his -- nor {his} parents his -- nor seen {his} shape his -- nor the servant above {his} lord his -- not have suffered {his} house to be broken through his -- now {his} elder son was in the field his -- of the abundance of the heart {his} mouth speaketh his -- on {his} shoulders his -- one to {his} farm his -- or what shall a man give in exchange for {his} soul his -- or what shall a man give in exchange for {his} soul his -- out of {his} belly shall flow rivers of living water his -- prepared for the devil and {his} angels his -- put a ring on {his} hand his -- put up again thy sword into {his} place his -- remnant took {his} servants his -- repentance and remission of sins should be preached in {his} name among all nations his -- same was accused unto him that he had wasted {his} goods his -- save in {his} own country his -- sent forth {his} servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding his -- sent {his} servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden his -- servant as {his} lord his -- servant is not greater than {his} lord his -- servant is not greater than {his} lord his -- servant knoweth not what {his} lord doeth his -- set him on {his} own beast his -- shall cleave to {his} wife his -- shall gather together {his} elect from the four winds his -- shall not doubt in {his} heart his -- shall not God avenge {his} own elect his -- sheep hear {his} voice his -- showed {his} lord these things his -- smote upon {his} breast his -- so he called every one of {his} lord's debtors his -- so shall also the son of man be in {his} day his -- so when {his} fellowservants saw what was done his -- solomon in all {his} glory was not arrayed like one of these his -- son of man shall come in the glory of his father with {his} angels his -- son of man shall come in the glory of {his} father with his angels his -- son of man shall send forth {his} angels his -- sowed in {his} field his -- sower went out to sow {his} seed his -- spoil {his} goods his -- spoil {his} goods his -- straightway took {his} journey his -- take up {his} cross his -- take up {his} cross his -- take up {his} cross daily his -- them of {his} household his -- then he shall reward every man according to {his} works his -- then he will spoil {his} house his -- then he will spoil {his} house his -- then {his} lord his -- then said he unto the dresser of {his} vineyard his -- then saith he to {his} servants his -- then shall he send {his} angels his -- then shall he sit upon the throne of {his} glory his -- then shall the king say unto them on {his} right hand his -- then the master of the house being angry said to {his} servant his -- there wasted {his} substance with riotous living his -- therefore came {his} father out his -- these things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in {his} right hand his -- they know {his} voice his -- they of {his} own household his -- they shall gather out of {his} kingdom all things that offend his -- they shall gather together {his} elect from the four winds his -- this cause shall a man leave {his} father and mother his -- this man went down to {his} house justified his -- till they see the son of man coming in {his} kingdom his -- to enter into {his} glory his -- to every man according to {his} several ability his -- to every man {his} work his -- to finish {his} work his -- to give every man according as {his} work shall be his -- to give {his} life a ransom for many his -- to give {his} life a ransom for many his -- to take any thing out of {his} house his -- took {his} journey into a far country his -- went {his} way his -- when a strong man armed keepeth {his} palace his -- when he cometh in the glory of {his} father with the holy angels his -- when he putteth forth {his} own sheep his -- when he shall come in {his} own glory his -- when {his} branch is yet tender his -- when the son of man shall come in {his} glory his -- when thou hast opened {his} mouth his -- which bringeth forth out of {his} treasure his -- which built {his} house upon a rock his -- which built {his} house upon the sand his -- which knew {his} lord's will his -- which made a marriage for {his} son his -- which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto {his} stature his -- which of you with taking thought can add to {his} stature one cubit his -- which stripped him of {his} raiment his -- which the father hath put in {his} own power his -- which was laid at {his} gate his -- which went out early in the morning to hire labourers into {his} vineyard his -- which would take account of {his} servants his -- who hath {his} eyes like unto a flame of fire his -- who left {his} house his -- whom his lord hath made ruler over {his} household his -- whom {his} lord hath made ruler over his household his -- whom {his} lord when he cometh shall find so doing his -- whom {his} lord when he cometh shall find so doing his -- whom if {his} son ask bread his -- whosoever doth not bear {his} cross his -- whosoever is angry with {his} brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment his -- whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in {his} heart his -- whosoever putteth away {his} wife his -- whosoever shall lose {his} life for my sake and the gospel's his -- whosoever shall lose {his} life shall preserve it his -- whosoever shall put away {his} wife his -- whosoever shall put away {his} wife his -- whosoever shall put away {his} wife his -- whosoever shall put away {his} wife his -- whosoever shall say to {his} brother his -- whosoever shall seek to save {his} life shall lose it his -- whosoever will lose {his} life for my sake his -- whosoever will lose {his} life for my sake shall find it his -- whosoever will save {his} life shall lose it his -- whosoever will save {his} life shall lose it his -- whosoever will save {his} life shall lose it his -- will appoint him {his} portion with the unbelievers his -- will remove thy candlestick out of {his} place his -- workman is worthy of {his} meat his -- world would love {his} own his -- would not have suffered {his} house to be broken up his -- ye have neither heard {his} voice at any time his -- ye have not {his} word abiding in you his -- ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or {his} mother his -- ye suffer him no more to do ought for {his} father or his mother his -- ye were willing for a season to rejoice in {his} light his -- yet because of {his} importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needeth his -- in {his } hither -- bring him {hither} to me hither -- bring {hither} the fatted calf hither -- bring in {hither} the poor hither -- bring them {hither} to me hither -- how camest thou in {hither} not having a wedding garment hither -- reach {hither} thy finger hither -- reach {hither} thy hand hither -- straightway he will send him {hither} hither -- bring thy son {hither } hither -- come {hither } hither -- bring {hither } hither -- him {hither } hitherto -- {hitherto} have ye asked nothing in my name hitherto -- my father worketh {hitherto } hold -- because thou hast there them that {hold} the doctrine of balaam hold -- {hold} fast hold -- {hold} fast till I come hold -- {hold} not thy peace hold -- {hold} that fast which thou hast hold -- {hold} thy peace hold -- {hold} thy peace hold -- if these should {hold} their peace hold -- or else he will {hold} to the one hold -- or else he will {hold} to the one hold -- so hast thou also them that {hold} the doctrine of the nicolaitanes hold -- will he not lay {hold} on it hold -- ye {hold} the tradition of men hold -- ye laid no {hold} on me holdest -- thou {holdest} fast my name holdeth -- these things saith he that {holdeth} the seven stars in his right hand holes -- foxes have {holes } holes -- foxes have {holes } holy -- after that the {holy} ghost is come upon you holy -- all the {holy} angels with him holy -- david himself said by the {holy} ghost holy -- give not that which is {holy} unto the dogs holy -- he that shall blaspheme against the {holy} ghost hath never forgiveness holy -- heavenly father give the {holy} spirit to them that ask him holy -- {holy} father holy -- {holy} ghost holy -- {holy} ghost holy -- {holy} ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say holy -- of the {holy} angels holy -- of the {holy} ghost holy -- receive ye the {holy} ghost holy -- stand in the {holy} place holy -- unto him that blasphemeth against the {holy} ghost it shall not be forgiven holy -- when he cometh in the glory of his father with the {holy} angels holy -- whosoever speaketh against the {holy} ghost holy -- ye shall be baptized with the {holy} ghost holy -- ye shall be baptized with the {holy} ghost not many days hence holy -- these things saith he that is {holy } home -- go {home} to thy friends home -- when he cometh {home } honest -- which in an {honest} and good heart honour -- even as they {honour} the father honour -- {honour} not his father or his mother honour -- {honour} thy father and honour -- {honour} thy father and mother honour -- {honour} thy father and mother honour -- {honour} thy father and thy mother honour -- {honour} thy father and thy mother honour -- I {honour} my father honour -- I receive not {honour} from men honour -- if I {honour} myself honour -- my {honour} is nothing honour -- seek not the {honour} that honour -- should {honour} the son honour -- which receive {honour} one of another honour -- prophet is not without {honour } honour -- prophet is not without {honour } honour -- father {honour } honourable -- lest a more {honourable} man than thou be bidden of him honoureth -- he that honoureth not the son {honoureth} not the father which hath sent him honoureth -- he that {honoureth} not the son honoureth not the father which hath sent him honoureth -- {honoureth} me with honoureth -- it is my father that {honoureth} me honoureth -- this people {honoureth} me with hook -- cast an {hook } hope -- of whom ye {hope} to receive hoping -- {hoping} for nothing again host -- to the {host } hot -- thou art neither cold nor {hot } hot -- I would thou wert cold or {hot } hot -- neither cold nor {hot } hour -- about the eleventh {hour} he went out hour -- again he went out about the sixth and ninth {hour} hour -- at an {hour} when he is not aware hour -- because her {hour} is come hour -- holy ghost shall teach you in the same {hour} what ye ought to say hour -- {hour} cometh hour -- {hour} cometh hour -- {hour} cometh hour -- {hour} is at hand hour -- {hour} is come hour -- {hour} is come hour -- {hour} is come hour -- {hour} is coming hour -- {hour} is coming hour -- {hour} knoweth no man hour -- I also will keep thee from the {hour} of temptation hour -- if the goodman of the house had known what {hour} the thief would come hour -- in an {hour} that he is not aware of hour -- in such an {hour} as ye think not the son of man cometh hour -- it shall be given you in that same {hour} what ye shall speak hour -- mine {hour} is not yet come hour -- of that day and {hour} knoweth no hour -- son of man cometh at an {hour} when ye think not hour -- this cause came I unto this {hour} hour -- thou shalt not know what {hour} I will come upon thee hour -- whatsoever shall be given you in that {hour} hour -- ye know neither the day nor the {hour} wherein the son of man cometh hour -- ye know not what {hour} your lord doth come hour -- could ye not watch with me one {hour } hour -- couldest not thou watch one {hour } hour -- he went out about the third {hour } hour -- about the eleventh {hour } hour -- save me from this {hour } hour -- this is your {hour } hour -- one {hour } hours -- are there not twelve {hours} in the day house -- against a {house} falleth house -- as he came and drew nigh to the {house} house -- every city or {house} divided against itself shall not stand house -- follow him into the {house} where he entereth in house -- from henceforth there shall be five in one {house} divided house -- go not from {house} to house house -- go rather to the lost sheep of the {house} of israel house -- {house} cannot stand house -- how he entered into the {house} of God house -- how he went into the {house} of God house -- how he went into the {house} of God in the days of abiathar the high priest house -- I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the {house} of israel house -- I will keep the passover at thy {house} with my disciples house -- I will return into my {house} from whence I came out house -- I will return unto my {house} whence I came out house -- if a {house} be divided against itself house -- if the goodman of the {house} had known in what watch the thief would come house -- if the goodman of the {house} had known what hour the thief would come house -- if the {house} be worthy house -- if they have called the master of the {house} beelzebub house -- in my father's {house} are many mansions house -- in the same {house} remain house -- in what place soever ye enter into an {house} house -- inquire in the {house} of judas for house -- into whatsoever {house} ye enter house -- is like a man that without a foundation built an {house} upon the earth house -- it giveth light unto all that are in the {house} house -- let him that is on the housetop not go down into the {house} house -- let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his {house} house -- make not my father's house an {house} of merchandise house -- make not my father's {house} an house of merchandise house -- my house is the {house} of prayer house -- my {house} is the house of prayer house -- my {house} may be filled house -- my house shall be called of all nations the {house} of prayer house -- my {house} shall be called of all nations the house of prayer house -- my house shall be called the {house} of prayer house -- my {house} shall be called the house of prayer house -- no man can enter into a strong man's {house} house -- not have suffered his {house} to be broken through house -- or else how can one enter into a strong man's {house} house -- ruin of that {house} was great house -- servant abideth not in the {house} for ever house -- stream beat vehemently upon that {house} house -- then the master of the {house} being angry said to his servant house -- they murmured against the goodman of the {house} house -- this day is salvation come to this {house} house -- this man went down to his {house} justified house -- thou wouldest send him to my father's {house} house -- whatsoever {house} ye enter into house -- when once the master of the {house} is risen up house -- when ye depart out of that {house} or city house -- which built his {house} upon a rock house -- which built his {house} upon the sand house -- would not have suffered his {house} to be broken up house -- ye know not when the master of the {house} cometh house -- ye shall say unto the goodman of the {house} house -- your {house} is left unto you desolate house -- your {house} is left unto you desolate house -- go thy way into thine {house } house -- he is like a man which built an {house } house -- say ye to the goodman of the {house } house -- then he will spoil his {house } house -- then he will spoil his {house } house -- there is no man that hath left {house } house -- there is no man that hath left {house } house -- to day I must abide at thy {house } house -- to take any thing out of his {house } house -- beat upon that {house } house -- beat upon that {house } house -- go into thine {house } house -- go not from house to {house } house -- go unto thine {house } house -- his stuff in the {house } house -- I entered into thine {house } house -- return to thine own {house } house -- when ye come into an {house } house -- in his own {house } house -- in his own {house } house -- sweep the {house } house -- who left his {house } house -- to this {house } household -- lord shall make ruler over his {household} household -- whom his lord hath made ruler over his {household} household -- they of his own {household } household -- them of his {household } householder -- so the servants of the {householder} came and said unto him householder -- there was a certain {householder } householder -- an {householder } householder -- an {householder } houses -- every one that hath forsaken {houses} houses -- if I send them away fasting to their own {houses} houses -- they may receive me into their {houses } houses -- which devour widows' {houses } houses -- which devour widows' {houses } houses -- ye devour widows' {houses } houses -- are in kings' {houses } housetop -- let him that is on the {housetop} not go down into the house housetop -- let him which is on the {housetop} not come down to take any thing out of his house housetop -- he which shall be upon the {housetop } housetops -- which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the {housetops} housetops -- preach ye upon the {housetops } how -- consider the lilies {how} they grow how -- either {how} canst thou say to thy brother how -- he might know {how} much every man had gained by trading how -- {how} am I straitened till it be accomplished how -- {how} camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment how -- {how} can satan cast out satan how -- {how} can ye how -- {how} can ye believe how -- {how} can ye escape the damnation of hell how -- {how} great how -- {how} hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God how -- {how} hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God how -- {how} hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God how -- {how} he entered into the house of God how -- {how} he went into the house of God how -- {how} he went into the house of God in the days of abiathar the high priest how -- {how} in the bush God spake unto him how -- {how} is he his son how -- {how} is he then his son how -- {how} is it that I hear this of thee how -- {how} is it that ye do not discern this time how -- {how} is it that ye do not understand how -- {how} is it that ye do not understand that I spake how -- {how} is it that ye have no faith how -- {how} is it that ye sought me how -- {how} it is written of the son of man how -- {how} long is it ago since this came unto him how -- {how} long shall I be with you how -- {how} long shall I be with you how -- {how} long shall I be with you how -- {how} long shall I suffer you how -- {how} long shall I suffer you how -- {how} many baskets full of fragments took ye up how -- {how} many baskets full of fragments took ye up how -- {how} many baskets ye took up how -- {how} many baskets ye took up how -- {how} many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare how -- {how} many loaves have ye how -- {how} many loaves have ye how -- {how} many loaves have ye how -- {how} much more how -- {how} much more how -- {how} much more are ye better than the fowls how -- {how} much more shall how -- {how} much more shall your father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him how -- {how} much owest thou how -- {how} much owest thou unto my lord how -- {how} much then is a man better than a sheep how -- {how} often would I have gathered thy children together how -- {how} often would I have gathered thy children together how -- {how} readest thou how -- {how} say the scribes that christ is the son of david how -- {how} say they that christ is david's son how -- {how} sayest thou how -- {how} shall his kingdom stand how -- {how} shall then his kingdom stand how -- {how} shall ye believe how -- {how} shall ye believe my words how -- {how} that on the sabbath days the priests in the temple profane the sabbath how -- {how} that the blind see how -- {how} then doth david in spirit call him lord how -- {how} then shall the scriptures be fulfilled how -- {how} then will ye know all parables how -- {how} they grow how -- {how} think ye how -- {how} thou canst not bear them which are evil how -- I will show him {how} great things he must suffer for my name's sake how -- know {how} to give good gifts unto your children how -- know {how} to give good gifts unto your children how -- or else {how} can one enter into a strong man's house how -- or {how} wilt thou say to thy brother how -- remember therefore {how} thou hast received and heard how -- show {how} great things God hath done unto thee how -- take heed therefore {how} ye hear how -- take no thought {how} or what ye shall speak how -- take ye no thought {how} or what thing ye shall answer how -- tell them {how} great things the lord hath done for thee how -- ye have heard {how} I said unto you how -- he knoweth not {how } howbeit -- {howbeit} in vain do they worship me howbeit -- {howbeit} this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting howbeit -- {howbeit} when he humble -- he that shall {humble} himself shall be exalted humble -- whosoever therefore shall {humble} himself as this little child humbleth -- he that {humbleth} himself shall be exalted humbleth -- he that {humbleth} himself shall be exalted hundred -- an {hundred} measures of oil hundred -- an {hundred} measures of wheat hundred -- having an {hundred} sheep hundred -- if a man have an {hundred} sheep hundred -- one owed five {hundred} pence hundred -- which owed him an {hundred} pence hundred -- some an {hundred } hundred -- some an {hundred } hundredfold -- he shall receive an {hundredfold} now in this time hundredfold -- bare fruit an {hundredfold } hundredfold -- shall receive an {hundredfold } hundredfold -- some an {hundredfold } hundredfold -- some an {hundredfold } hunger -- he that cometh to me shall never {hunger} hunger -- {hunger} now hunger -- they which do {hunger} and thirst after righteousness hunger -- I perish with {hunger } hunger -- ye shall {hunger } hungered -- when himself was an {hungered } hungered -- when saw we thee an {hungered } hungered -- when saw we thee an {hungered } hungered -- I was an {hungered } hungered -- I was an {hungered } hungred -- was an {hungred } hungred -- when he was an {hungred } hurt -- he that overcometh shall not be {hurt} of the second death hurt -- it shall not {hurt} them hurt -- no man shall set on thee to {hurt} thee hurt -- nothing shall by any means {hurt} you husband -- he whom thou now hast is not thy {husband} husband -- {husband} committeth adultery husband -- if a woman shall put away her {husband} husband -- call thy {husband } husband -- I have no {husband } husbandman -- my father is the {husbandman } husbandmen -- at the season he sent a servant to the {husbandmen} husbandmen -- at the season he sent to the {husbandmen} a servant husbandmen -- he might receive from the {husbandmen} of the fruit of the vineyard husbandmen -- he shall come and destroy these {husbandmen} husbandmen -- he will come and destroy the {husbandmen} husbandmen -- {husbandmen} beat him husbandmen -- {husbandmen} took his servants husbandmen -- those {husbandmen} said among themselves husbandmen -- when the {husbandmen} saw him husbandmen -- when the {husbandmen} saw the son husbandmen -- he sent his servants to the {husbandmen } husbandmen -- what will he do unto those {husbandmen } husbandmen -- let it forth to {husbandmen } husbandmen -- let it out to {husbandmen } husbandmen -- let it out to {husbandmen } husbands -- thou hast had five {husbands } husks -- he would fain have filled his belly with the {husks} that the swine did eat hypocrisy -- within ye are full of {hypocrisy} and iniquity hypocrisy -- which is {hypocrisy } hypocrite -- thou {hypocrite } hypocrite -- thou {hypocrite } hypocrites -- as the {hypocrites} do in the synagogues and in the streets hypocrites -- well hath esaias prophesied of you {hypocrites} hypocrites -- his portion with the {hypocrites } hypocrites -- thou shalt not be as the {hypocrites } hypocrites -- as the {hypocrites }  ~~~~~~