labour -- I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no {labour} labour -- {labour} and are heavy laden labour -- {labour} not for the meat which perisheth labour -- thy {labour } laboured -- my name's sake hast {laboured } laboured -- other men {laboured } labourer -- {labourer} is worthy of his hire labourers -- he will send forth {labourers} into his harvest labourers -- he would send forth {labourers} into his harvest labourers -- when he had agreed with the {labourers} for a penny a day labourers -- which went out early in the morning to hire {labourers} into his vineyard labourers -- call the {labourers } labours -- ye are entered into their {labours } lacked -- because it {lacked} moisture lacked -- {lacked} ye any thing lackest -- yet {lackest} thou one thing lackest -- one thing thou {lackest } lade -- ye {lade} men with burdens grievous to be borne laden -- labour and are heavy {laden } laid -- after he hath {laid} the foundation laid -- he {laid} hands on him laid -- {laid} the foundation on a rock laid -- taking up that I {laid} not down laid -- thou hast much goods {laid} up for many years laid -- where have ye {laid} him laid -- which I have kept {laid} up in a napkin laid -- which was {laid} at his gate laid -- ye {laid} no hold on me lake -- let us go over unto the other side of the {lake} lama -- {lama} sabachthani lama -- {lama} sabachthani lambs -- I send you forth as {lambs} among wolves lambs -- feed my {lambs } lame -- {lame} walk lame -- {lame} walk lament -- ye shall weep and {lament } lamented -- ye have not {lamented } lamps -- our {lamps} are gone out lamps -- wise took oil in their vessels with their {lamps} lamps -- foolish took their {lamps } lamps -- trimmed their {lamps } lamps -- which took their {lamps } land -- it shall be more tolerable for the {land} of sodom and gomorrha in the day of judgment land -- it shall be more tolerable for the {land} of sodom in the day of judgment land -- there arose a mighty famine in that {land} land -- there shall be great distress in the {land} land -- when great famine was throughout all the {land} land -- ye compass sea and {land} to make one proselyte land -- it is neither fit for the {land } lands -- or {lands } lands -- or {lands } lanes -- go out quickly into the streets and {lanes} of the city laodicea -- unto {laodicea } laodiceans -- unto the angel of the church of the {laodiceans} write large -- he shall show you a {large} upper room furnished large -- he will show you a {large} upper room furnished last -- beginning from the {last} unto the first last -- he sent him also {last} unto them last -- I will raise him up at the {last} day last -- I will raise him up at the {last} day last -- I will raise him up at the {last} day last -- {last} first last -- {last} of all he sent unto them his son last -- same shall judge him in the {last} day last -- shall be {last} of all last -- should raise it up again at the {last} day last -- so the {last} shall be first last -- there are first which shall be {last} last -- there are {last} which shall be first last -- these {last} have wrought last -- these things saith the first and the {last} last -- till thou hast paid the very {last} mite last -- I am the first and the {last } last -- I will give unto this {last } last -- first and the {last } last -- first and the {last } last -- first {last } last -- first shall be {last } last -- first shall be {last } laugh -- woe unto you that {laugh} now laugh -- ye shall {laugh } launch -- {launch} out into the deep law -- all the prophets and the {law} prophesied until john law -- daughter in law against her mother in {law} law -- daughter in {law} against her mother in law law -- daughter in law against her mother in {law} law -- daughter in {law} against her mother in law law -- if any man will sue thee at the {law} law -- {law} and the prophets law -- {law} of moses should not be broken law -- mother in law against her daughter in {law} law -- mother in {law} against her daughter in law law -- on these two commandments hang all the {law} and the prophets law -- one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the {law} law -- than one tittle of the {law} to fail law -- think not that I am come to destroy the {law} law -- this is the {law} and the prophets law -- which were written in the {law} of moses law -- word might be fulfilled that is written in their {law} law -- did not moses give you the {law } law -- is it not written in your {law } law -- it is also written in your {law } law -- none of you keepeth the {law } law -- or have ye not read in the {law } law -- what is written in the {law } law -- of the {law } lawful -- is it {lawful} on the sabbath days to do good lawful -- is it {lawful} to do good on the sabbath days lawful -- is it {lawful} to heal on the sabbath day lawful -- is it not {lawful} for me to do what I will with mine own lawful -- wherefore it is {lawful} to do well on the sabbath days lawful -- which is not {lawful} to eat but for the priests lawful -- which it is not {lawful} to eat but for the priests alone lawful -- which was not {lawful} for him to eat lay -- because I {lay} down my life lay -- I have power to {lay} it down lay -- I {lay} down my life for the sheep lay -- I {lay} it down of myself lay -- {lay} not up for yourselves treasures upon earth lay -- {lay} up for yourselves treasures in heaven lay -- man {lay} down his life for his friends lay -- shall {lay} thee even with the ground lay -- son of man hath not where to {lay} lay -- son of man hath not where to {lay} lay -- they shall {lay} hands on the sick lay -- they shall {lay} their hands on you lay -- will he not {lay} hold on it lay -- wilt thou {lay} down thy life for my sake layedst -- thou takest up that thou {layedst} not down layeth -- he that {layeth} up treasure for himself layeth -- he {layeth } laying -- {laying} aside the commandment of God lazarus -- {lazarus} in his bosom lazarus -- {lazarus} is dead lazarus -- likewise {lazarus} evil things lazarus -- our friend {lazarus} sleepeth lazarus -- there was a certain beggar named {lazarus} lazarus -- send {lazarus } lead -- can the blind {lead} the blind lead -- if the blind {lead} the blind lead -- {lead} us not into temptation lead -- {lead} us not into temptation lead -- when they shall {lead } leaders -- they be blind {leaders} of the blind leadeth -- {leadeth} them out leadeth -- {leadeth} to destruction leadeth -- which {leadeth} unto life leap -- {leap} for joy learn -- go ye and {learn} what learn -- {learn} of me learn -- now {learn} a parable of the fig tree learn -- now {learn} a parable of the fig tree learned -- hath {learned} of the father least -- at {least} in this thy day least -- he shall be called the {least} in the kingdom of heaven least -- he that is faithful in that which is {least} is faithful also in much least -- he that is {least} among you all least -- he that is {least} in the kingdom of God is greater than he least -- he that is unjust in the {least} is unjust also in much least -- if ye then be not able to do that thing which is {least} least -- not to one of the {least} of these least -- notwithstanding he that is {least} in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he least -- unto one of the {least} of these my brethren least -- which indeed is the {least} of all seeds least -- whosoever therefore shall break one of these {least} commandments leave -- doth he not {leave} the ninety and nine leave -- doth not {leave} the ninety and nine in the wilderness leave -- I {leave} the world leave -- I will not {leave} you comfortless leave -- {leave} there thy gift before the altar leave -- not to {leave} the other undone leave -- not to {leave} the other undone leave -- peace I {leave} with you leave -- shall {leave} me alone leave -- they shall not {leave} in thee one stone upon another leave -- this cause shall a man {leave} father and mother leave -- this cause shall a man {leave} his father and mother leaven -- beware of the {leaven} of the pharisees leaven -- beware ye of the {leaven} of the pharisees leaven -- kingdom of heaven is like unto {leaven} leaven -- {leaven} of herod leaven -- take heed and beware of the {leaven} of the pharisees and of the sadducees leaven -- ye should beware of the {leaven} of the pharisees and of the sadducees leaven -- it is like {leaven } leavened -- till the whole was {leavened } leavened -- till the whole was {leavened } leaves -- putteth forth {leaves } leaves -- putteth forth {leaves } leaveth -- {leaveth} the sheep led -- shall be {led} away captive into all nations left -- because thou hast {left} thy first love left -- father hath not {left} me alone left -- in the which there shall not be {left} one stone upon another left -- let not thy {left} hand know what thy right hand doeth left -- then shall he say also unto them on the {left} hand left -- there is no man that hath {left} house left -- there is no man that hath {left} house left -- there shall not be {left} here one stone upon another left -- there shall not be {left} one stone upon another left -- to sit on my right hand and on my {left} hand is not mine to give left -- who {left} his house left -- your house is {left} unto you desolate left -- your house is {left} unto you desolate left -- goats on the {left } left -- other shall be {left } left -- other {left } left -- other {left } left -- other {left } left -- other {left } left -- on my {left } legions -- he shall presently give me more than twelve {legions} of angels leisure -- they had no {leisure} so much as to eat lend -- {lend} me three loaves lend -- sinners also {lend} to sinners lend -- if ye {lend } lepers -- {lepers} are cleansed lepers -- {lepers} are cleansed lepers -- many {lepers} were in israel in the time of eliseus the prophet lepers -- cleanse the {lepers } less -- is {less} than all the seeds that be in the earth lest -- {lest} a more honourable man than thou be bidden of him lest -- {lest} a worse thing come unto thee lest -- {lest} at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge lest -- {lest} at any time they should be converted lest -- {lest} at any time they should see with lest -- {lest} at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting lest -- {lest} by her continual coming she weary me lest -- {lest} coming suddenly he find you sleeping lest -- {lest} darkness come upon you lest -- {lest} haply lest -- {lest} he hale thee to the judge lest -- {lest} his deeds should be reproved lest -- {lest} there be not enough for us and you lest -- {lest} they also bid thee again lest -- {lest} they also come into this place of torment lest -- {lest} they faint in the way lest -- {lest} they should believe and be saved lest -- {lest} they trample them under their feet lest -- {lest} we should offend them lest -- {lest} while ye gather up the tares lest -- {lest} ye enter into temptation lest -- {lest} ye enter into temptation lest -- take heed {lest} any let -- {let} both grow together until the harvest let -- {let} down your nets for a draught let -- {let} her alone let -- {let} her alone let -- {let} him be as the younger let -- {let} him be unto thee as a heathen man and a publican let -- {let} him be your minister let -- {let} him be your servant let -- {let} him come unto me let -- {let} him deny himself let -- {let} him deny himself let -- {let} him deny himself let -- {let} him die the death let -- {let} him die the death let -- {let} him first cast a stone at her let -- {let} him follow me let -- {let} him give her a writing of divorcement let -- {let} him go let -- {let} him have let -- {let} him hear let -- {let} him hear let -- {let} him hear let -- {let} him hear let -- {let} him hear let -- {let} him hear let -- {let} him hear let -- {let} him hear let -- {let} him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches let -- {let} him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches let -- {let} him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches let -- {let} him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches let -- {let} him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches let -- {let} him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches let -- {let} him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches let -- {let} him likewise not return back let -- {let} him not come down to take it away let -- {let} him receive let -- {let} him sell his garment let -- {let} him take let -- {let} him that is in the field not turn back again for to take up his garment let -- {let} him that is on the housetop not go down into the house let -- {let} him that readeth understand let -- {let} him understand let -- {let} him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house let -- {let} it alone this year also let -- {let} it forth to husbandmen let -- {let} it out to husbandmen let -- {let} it out to husbandmen let -- {let} me pull out the mote out of thine eye let -- {let} me pull out the mote that is in thine eye let -- {let} no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever let -- {let} not man put asunder let -- {let} not man put asunder let -- {let} not them that are in the countries enter thereinto let -- {let} not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth let -- {let} not your heart be troubled let -- {let} not your heart be troubled let -- {let} the children first be filled let -- {let} the dead bury their dead let -- {let} the dead bury their dead let -- {let} them alone let -- {let} them hear them let -- {let} them which are in the midst of it depart out let -- {let} these go their way let -- {let} these sayings sink down into your ears let -- {let} this cup pass from me let -- {let} us be going let -- {let} us eat let -- {let} us go let -- {let} us go hence let -- {let} us go into judaea again let -- {let} us go into the next towns let -- {let} us go over unto the other side of the lake let -- {let} us kill him let -- {let} us kill him let -- {let} us kill him let -- {let} us pass over unto the other side let -- {let} us seize on his inheritance let -- {let} your communication be let -- {let} your light so shine before men let -- {let} your loins be girded about let -- {let} your peace come upon it let -- {let} your peace return to you let -- neither {let} him which is in the field return back to take his clothes let -- neither {let} it be afraid let -- nevertheless {let} us go unto him let -- then {let} them that be in judaea flee to the mountains let -- then {let} them which are in judaea flee to the mountains let -- then {let} them which be in judaea flee into the mountains let -- nor {let } levite -- likewise a {levite } liar -- I shall be a {liar} like unto you liar -- he is a {liar } liars -- hast found them {liars } liberty -- to set at {liberty} them that are bruised licked -- moreover the dogs came and {licked} his sores lie -- when he speaketh a {lie } lie -- do {lie } life -- as the father hath {life} in himself life -- gathereth fruit unto {life} eternal life -- giveth {life} unto the world life -- good shepherd giveth his {life} for the sheep life -- he should give eternal {life} to as many as thou hast given him life -- he that believeth on me hath everlasting {life} life -- he that findeth his {life} shall lose it life -- he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto {life} eternal life -- he that hateth his {life} in this world shall keep it unto life eternal life -- he that loseth his {life} for my sake shall find it life -- he that loveth his {life} shall lose it life -- his own {life} also life -- I know that his commandment is {life} everlasting life -- I lay down my {life} for the sheep life -- I will not blot out his name out of the book of {life} life -- in the world to come {life} everlasting life -- in them ye think ye have eternal {life} life -- is not the {life} more than meat life -- it is better for thee to enter halt into {life} life -- it is better for thee to enter into {life} halt or maimed life -- it is better for thee to enter into {life} maimed life -- it is better for thee to enter into {life} with one eye life -- {life} is more than meat life -- man lay down his {life} for his friends life -- man's {life} consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth life -- righteous into {life} eternal life -- so hath he given to the son to have {life} in himself life -- that meat which endureth unto everlasting {life} life -- this is {life} eternal life -- to give his {life} a ransom for many life -- to give his {life} a ransom for many life -- to him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of {life} life -- water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting {life} life -- which I will give for the {life} of the world life -- whosoever shall lose his {life} for my sake and the gospel's life -- whosoever shall lose his {life} shall preserve it life -- whosoever shall seek to save his {life} shall lose it life -- whosoever will lose his {life} for my sake life -- whosoever will lose his {life} for my sake shall find it life -- whosoever will save his {life} shall lose it life -- whosoever will save his {life} shall lose it life -- whosoever will save his {life} shall lose it life -- wilt thou lay down thy {life} for my sake life -- ye have no {life} in you life -- I am come that they might have {life } life -- I give unto them eternal {life } life -- I will give thee a crown of {life } life -- if thou wilt enter into {life } life -- in the world to come eternal {life } life -- is passed from death unto {life } life -- shall have the light of {life } life -- shall inherit everlasting {life } life -- because I lay down my {life } life -- have everlasting {life } life -- I am that bread of {life } life -- may have everlasting {life } life -- take no thought for your {life } life -- take no thought for your {life } life -- unto the resurrection of {life } life -- which leadeth unto {life } life -- ye might have {life } life -- cares of this {life } life -- hath eternal {life } life -- hath everlasting {life } life -- have eternal {life } life -- I am the bread of {life } life -- are {life } life -- to save {life } life -- to save {life } lifetime -- remember that thou in thy {lifetime} receivedst thy good things lift -- in hell he {lift} up his eyes lift -- {lift} up your eyes lift -- {lift} up your heads lift -- would not {lift} up so much as lifted -- as moses {lifted} up the serpent in the wilderness lifted -- even so must the son of man be {lifted} up lifted -- he that eateth bread with me hath {lifted} up his heel against me lifted -- if I be {lifted} up from the earth lifted -- when ye have {lifted} up the son of man light -- as when the bright shining of a candle doth give thee {light} light -- because he seeth the {light} of this world light -- because there is no {light} in him light -- children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of {light} light -- doth not {light} a candle light -- every one that doeth evil hateth the {light} light -- he that doeth truth cometh to the {light} light -- I am come a {light} into the world light -- I am the {light} of the world light -- I am the {light} of the world light -- if therefore the {light} that is in thee be darkness light -- it giveth {light} unto all that are in the house light -- let your {light} so shine before men light -- {light} is come into the world light -- {light} of the body is the eye light -- {light} of the body is the eye light -- men loved darkness rather than {light} light -- neither do men {light} a candle light -- shall have the {light} of life light -- take heed therefore that the {light} which is in thee be not darkness light -- therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the {light} light -- they made {light} of light -- they which come in may see the {light} light -- they which enter in may see the {light} light -- ye are the {light} of the world light -- ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his {light} light -- yet a little while is the {light} with you light -- he was a burning and a shining {light } light -- moon shall not give her {light } light -- moon shall not give her {light } light -- thy whole body also is full of {light } light -- thy whole body shall be full of {light } light -- whole shall be full of {light } light -- ye may be the children of {light } light -- neither cometh to the {light } light -- walk while ye have the {light } light -- believe in the {light } light -- from darkness to {light } light -- my burden is {light } light -- speak ye in {light } light -- while ye have {light } light -- full of {light } lighted -- when he hath {lighted} a candle lighted -- when he hath {lighted} a candle lighteneth -- {lighteneth} out of the one lightly -- can {lightly} speak evil of me lightning -- as the {lightning} cometh out of the east lightning -- I beheld satan as {lightning} fall from heaven lightning -- as the {lightning } lights -- {lights} burning like -- be not ye therefore {like} unto them like -- even solomon in all his glory was not arrayed {like} one of these like -- he is {like} a man which built an house like -- I in {like} wise will tell you by what authority I do these things like -- I shall be a liar {like} unto you like -- in the {like} manner did their fathers unto the prophets like -- instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is {like} unto a man like -- is {like} a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth like -- it is {like} a grain of mustard seed like -- it is {like} leaven like -- it is {like} unto children sitting in the markets like -- kingdom of heaven is {like} to a grain of mustard seed like -- kingdom of heaven is {like} unto a certain king like -- kingdom of heaven is {like} unto a man like -- kingdom of heaven is {like} unto a merchant man like -- kingdom of heaven is {like} unto a net like -- kingdom of heaven is {like} unto leaven like -- kingdom of heaven is {like} unto treasure hid in a field like -- {like} a grain of mustard seed like -- {like} fine brass like -- {like} unto it like -- many other such {like} things ye do like -- many such {like} things do ye like -- so ye in {like} manner like -- solomon in all his glory was not arrayed {like} one of these like -- they are {like} unto children sitting in the marketplace like -- who hath his eyes {like} unto a flame of fire like -- ye are {like} unto whited sepulchres like -- ye yourselves {like} unto men that wait for their lord like -- I will show you to whom he is {like } like -- unto what is the kingdom of God {like } like -- to what are they {like } liken -- I will {liken} him unto a wise man liken -- whereunto shall I {liken} the kingdom of God liken -- whereunto shall I {liken} this generation liken -- whereunto shall we {liken} the kingdom of God liken -- whereunto then shall I {liken} the men of this generation likened -- kingdom of heaven is {likened} unto a man which sowed good seed in his field likened -- shall be {likened} unto a foolish man likened -- then shall the kingdom of heaven be {likened} unto ten virgins likened -- therefore is the kingdom of heaven {likened} unto a certain king likewise -- he said {likewise} to him likewise -- let him {likewise} not return back likewise -- {likewise} a levite likewise -- {likewise} also as it was in the days of lot likewise -- {likewise} he that likewise -- {likewise} joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth likewise -- {likewise} lazarus evil things likewise -- {likewise} shall also the son of man suffer of them likewise -- so {likewise} shall my heavenly father do also unto you likewise -- so {likewise} ye likewise -- so {likewise} ye likewise -- so {likewise} ye likewise -- these are they {likewise} which are sown on stony ground likewise -- they {likewise} received every man a penny likewise -- ye shall all {likewise} perish likewise -- ye shall all {likewise} perish likewise -- these also doeth the son {likewise } likewise -- they did unto them {likewise } likewise -- do ye also to them {likewise } likewise -- did {likewise } likewise -- do thou {likewise } likewise -- said {likewise } likewise -- so {likewise } lilies -- consider the {lilies} how they grow lilies -- consider the {lilies} of the field linen -- which was clothed in purple and fine {linen} listed -- have done unto him whatsoever they {listed} listed -- they have done unto him whatsoever they {listed} listeth -- wind bloweth where it {listeth } little -- because thou hast been faithful in a very {little} little -- become as {little} children little -- {little} children little -- {little} flock little -- {little} ones that believe in me little -- {little} while little -- {little} while little -- {little} while little -- {little} while little -- o thou of {little} faith little -- o ye of {little} faith little -- o ye of {little} faith little -- o ye of {little} faith little -- o ye of {little} faith little -- one of these {little} ones should perish little -- suffer {little} children little -- suffer {little} children to come unto me little -- suffer the {little} children to come unto me little -- take heed that ye despise not one of these {little} ones little -- than that he should offend one of these {little} ones little -- thou hast a {little} strength little -- to whom {little} is forgiven little -- whoso shall offend one of these {little} ones which believe in me little -- whoso shall receive one such {little} child in my name receiveth me little -- whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these {little} ones a cup of cold little -- whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a {little} child little -- whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a {little} child shall in no wise enter therein little -- whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this {little} child little -- yet a {little} while little -- yet a {little} while am I with you little -- yet a {little} while I am with you little -- yet a {little} while is the light with you little -- loveth {little } live -- all {live} unto him live -- even he shall {live} by me live -- he shall {live} for ever live -- he that eateth of this bread shall {live} for ever live -- I {live} by the father live -- {live} delicately live -- man shall not {live} by bread alone live -- man shall not {live} by bread alone live -- ye shall {live} also live -- they that hear shall {live } live -- thou shalt {live } live -- yet shall he {live } live -- because I {live } lives -- son of man is not come to destroy men's {lives} livest -- thou hast a name that thou {livest } liveth -- whosoever {liveth} and believeth in me shall never die liveth -- he that {liveth } liveth -- thy son {liveth } living -- as the {living} father hath sent me living -- he would have given thee {living} water living -- I am the {living} bread which came down from heaven living -- out of his belly shall flow rivers of {living} water living -- she of her penury hath cast in all the {living} that she had living -- there wasted his substance with riotous {living} living -- which hath devoured thy {living} with harlots living -- God of the {living } living -- of the {living } living -- of the {living } living -- all her {living } lo -- {lo} here lo -- {lo} there loaves -- how many {loaves} have ye loaves -- how many {loaves} have ye loaves -- how many {loaves} have ye loaves -- neither remember the five {loaves} of the five thousand loaves -- neither the seven {loaves} of the four thousand loaves -- when I brake the five {loaves} among five thousand loaves -- because ye did eat of the {loaves } loaves -- lend me three {loaves } lodge -- so that the birds of the air come and {lodge} in the branches thereof lodge -- so that the fowls of the air may {lodge} under the shadow of it lodged -- fowls of the air {lodged} in the branches of it loins -- let your {loins} be girded about long -- after a {long} time the lord of those servants cometh long -- as {long} as I am in the world long -- as {long} as the bridegroom is with them long -- as {long} as they have the bridegroom with them long -- have I been so {long} time with you long -- how {long} is it ago since this came unto him long -- how {long} shall I be with you long -- how {long} shall I be with you long -- how {long} shall I be with you long -- how {long} shall I suffer you long -- how {long} shall I suffer you long -- pretence make {long} prayer long -- pretence make {long} prayers long -- show make {long} prayers long -- they would have repented {long} ago in sackcloth and ashes long -- though he bear {long} with them long -- went into a far country for a {long} time long -- which desire to walk in {long} robes long -- which love to go in {long} clothing longer -- thou mayest be no {longer} steward look -- {look} on the fields look -- then {look} up looked -- came and {looked } looketh -- lord of that servant shall come in a day when he {looketh} not for looketh -- lord of that servant will come in a day when he {looketh} not for looketh -- whosoever {looketh} on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart looking -- Jesus {looking} upon them saith looking -- {looking} after those things which are coming on the earth looking -- {looking} back loose -- doth not each one of you on the sabbath {loose} his ox or loose -- {loose} him loose -- {loose} him loose -- {loose} him loose -- whatsoever thou shalt {loose} on earth shall be loosed in heaven loose -- whatsoever ye shall {loose} on earth shall be loosed in heaven loose -- why do ye {loose } loosed -- be {loosed} from this bond on the sabbath day loosed -- {loosed} him loosed -- thou art {loosed} from thine infirmity loosed -- whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be {loosed} in heaven loosed -- whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be {loosed} in heaven lord -- after a long time the {lord} of those servants cometh lord -- because the {lord} hath need of him lord -- came and told unto their {lord} all that was done lord -- david therefore himself calleth him {lord} lord -- except that the {lord} had shortened those days lord -- his {lord} answered and said unto him lord -- his {lord} commanded him to be sold lord -- his {lord} said unto him lord -- his {lord} said unto him lord -- his {lord} was wroth lord -- how then doth david in spirit call him {lord} lord -- {lord} and master lord -- {lord} commended the unjust steward lord -- {lord} hath need of them lord -- {lord} of heaven and earth lord -- {lord} of heaven and earth lord -- {lord} of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for lord -- {lord} of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for lord -- {lord} of the vineyard saith unto his steward lord -- {lord} our God is one lord lord -- {lord} said to my lord lord -- {lord} said unto my lord lord -- {lord} said unto my lord lord -- {lord} said unto the servant lord -- {lord} shall make ruler over his household lord -- my {lord} delayeth his coming lord -- my {lord} delayeth his coming lord -- my {lord} taketh away from me the stewardship lord -- pray ye therefore the {lord} of the harvest lord -- pray ye therefore the {lord} of the harvest lord -- say ye that the {lord} hath need of him lord -- servant is not greater than his {lord} lord -- servant is not greater than his {lord} lord -- servant knoweth not what his {lord} doeth lord -- shalt perform unto the {lord} thine oaths lord -- showed his {lord} these things lord -- son of man is {lord} also of the sabbath lord -- son of man is {lord} even of the sabbath day lord -- tell them how great things the {lord} hath done for thee lord -- then said the {lord} of the vineyard lord -- then the {lord} of that servant was moved with compassion lord -- therefore the son of man is {lord} also of the sabbath lord -- thou shalt love the {lord} thy God with all thy heart lord -- thou shalt love the {lord} thy God with all thy heart lord -- thou shalt not tempt the {lord} thy God lord -- thou shalt not tempt the {lord} thy God lord -- thou shalt worship the {lord} thy God lord -- thou shalt worship the {lord} thy God lord -- to preach the acceptable year of the {lord} lord -- what shall therefore the {lord} of the vineyard do lord -- what therefore shall the {lord} of the vineyard do unto them lord -- when he calleth the {lord} the God of abraham lord -- when the {lord} therefore of the vineyard cometh lord -- whom his {lord} hath made ruler over his household lord -- whom his {lord} when he cometh shall find so doing lord -- whom his {lord} when he cometh shall find so doing lord -- whom the {lord} when he cometh shall find watching lord -- ye know not what hour your {lord} doth come lord -- ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their {lord} lord -- david therefore calleth him {lord } lord -- enter thou into the joy of thy {lord } lord -- enter thou into the joy of thy {lord } lord -- he that cometh in the name of the {lord } lord -- he that cometh in the name of the {lord } lord -- how much owest thou unto my {lord } lord -- if david then call him {lord } lord -- lord our God is one {lord } lord -- lord said to my {lord } lord -- lord said unto my {lord } lord -- lord said unto my {lord } lord -- nor the servant above his {lord } lord -- servant as his {lord } lord -- ye call me master and {lord } lord -- spirit of the {lord } lord -- then his {lord } lord's -- hid his {lord's} money lord's -- so he called every one of his {lord's} debtors lord's -- this is the {lord's} doing lord's -- this was the {lord's} doing lord's -- which knew his {lord's} will lordship -- kings of the gentiles exercise {lordship} over them lordship -- ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the gentiles exercise {lordship} over them lose -- he shall in no wise {lose} his reward lose -- he shall not {lose} his reward lose -- he that findeth his life shall {lose} it lose -- he that loveth his life shall {lose} it lose -- if he {lose} one of them lose -- if she {lose} one piece lose -- {lose} himself lose -- {lose} his own soul lose -- {lose} his own soul lose -- of all which he hath given me I should {lose} nothing lose -- whosoever shall {lose} his life for my sake and the gospel's lose -- whosoever shall {lose} his life shall preserve it lose -- whosoever shall seek to save his life shall {lose} it lose -- whosoever will {lose} his life for my sake lose -- whosoever will {lose} his life for my sake shall find it lose -- whosoever will save his life shall {lose} it lose -- whosoever will save his life shall {lose} it lose -- whosoever will save his life shall {lose} it loseth -- he that {loseth} his life for my sake shall find it lost -- go rather to the {lost} sheep of the house of israel lost -- I am not sent but unto the {lost} sheep of the house of israel lost -- I have found my sheep which was {lost} lost -- I have found the piece which I had {lost} lost -- if the salt have {lost} his saltness lost -- if the salt have {lost} his savour lost -- if the salt have {lost} his savour lost -- son of man is come to save that which was {lost} lost -- son of man is come to seek and to save that which was {lost} lost -- go after that which is {lost } lost -- none of them is {lost } lost -- nothing be {lost } lost -- he was {lost } lost -- was {lost } lot -- likewise also as it was in the days of {lot} lot -- same day that {lot} went out of sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven lot's -- remember {lot's} wife love -- greater {love} hath no man than this love -- I will {love} him love -- if a man {love} me love -- if ye have {love} one to another love -- if ye {love} me love -- if ye love them which {love} you love -- if ye {love} them which love you love -- if ye love them which {love} you love -- if ye {love} them which love you love -- {love} greetings in the markets love -- {love} of many shall wax cold love -- {love} the other love -- {love} the other love -- {love} the uppermost rooms at feasts love -- {love} wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them love -- {love} ye your enemies love -- {love} your enemies love -- {love} your enemies love -- my father will {love} him love -- pass over judgment and the {love} of God love -- sinners also love those that {love} them love -- sinners also {love} those that love them love -- that the world may know that I {love} the father love -- therefore doth my father {love} me love -- they {love} to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets love -- thou shalt {love} the lord thy God with all thy heart love -- thou shalt {love} the lord thy God with all thy heart love -- thou shalt {love} thy neighbour love -- thou shalt {love} thy neighbour as thyself love -- thou shalt {love} thy neighbour as thyself love -- thou shalt {love} thy neighbour as thyself love -- which {love} to go in long clothing love -- which of them will {love} him most love -- world would {love} his own love -- ye also {love} one another love -- ye have not the {love} of God in you love -- ye {love} one another love -- ye {love} one another love -- ye {love} one another love -- ye {love} the uppermost seats in the synagogues love -- ye would {love} me love -- because thou hast left thy first {love } love -- ye shall abide in my {love } love -- abide in his {love } love -- as many as I {love } love -- continue ye in my {love } loved -- as I have {loved} you loved -- as I have {loved} you loved -- as the father hath {loved} me loved -- as thou hast {loved} me loved -- because ye have {loved} me loved -- God so {loved} the world loved -- hast {loved} them loved -- he that loveth me shall be {loved} of my father loved -- if ye {loved} me loved -- love wherewith thou hast {loved} me may be in them loved -- men {loved} darkness rather than light loved -- she {loved} much loved -- so have I {loved} you loved -- to know that I have {loved} thee lovedst -- thou {lovedst} me before the foundation of the world lovest -- {lovest} thou me lovest -- {lovest} thou me lovest -- {lovest} thou me more than these loveth -- father himself {loveth} you loveth -- father {loveth} the son loveth -- he it is that {loveth} me loveth -- he that {loveth} father or mother more than me is not worthy of me loveth -- he that {loveth} his life shall lose it loveth -- he that {loveth} me not keepeth not my sayings loveth -- he that {loveth} me shall be loved of my father loveth -- he that {loveth} son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me loveth -- {loveth} little lowering -- sky is red and {lowering } lowest -- go and sit down in the {lowest} room lowest -- thou begin with shame to take the {lowest} room lowly -- I am meek and {lowly} in heart lukewarm -- so then because thou art {lukewarm } lust -- whosoever looketh on a woman to {lust} after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart lusts -- {lusts} of other things entering in lusts -- {lusts} of your father ye will do  ~~~~~~