paps which never gave suck pass away pass away pass away pass away pass away pass away pass away pass away pass over pass over judgment passover at pay tithe penury hath cast people which stand pergamos write perverse generation perverse generation pharisee stood pharisees make clean pharisees sit philadelphia write philip called piece which pit on poor always poor always poor have porter openeth pound hath gained five pounds pound hath gained ten pounds power over all flesh pray always pray standing pray yonder prayed thus preach deliverance preached throughout presently give pressed down pretence make long prayer pretence make long prayers prevail against priests alone proceed evil thoughts proceeded forth prophet jonas prophet jonas prophet perish prophet's reward prophets concerning prophets have spoken prophets might prophets which provide neither gold provide yourselves bags which wax publicans so published among all nations purging all meats put away put away put away put away put away put away put away doth commit adultery put away your wives put into new bottles put into new bottles put new wine into new bottles put on put on put under putteth forth putteth forth leaves putteth forth leaves ~~~~~~