walk over walk while walkedst whither walketh through dry places walketh through dry places want did cast wash one another's feet washed needeth wast under wast young watch one hour watch therefore watch therefore water springing waves roaring wax cold waxed gross way before way before way into thine house way side way side way side way side way side way side wear soft wedding garment wedding garment weep now well did esaias prophesy well done well done well hath esaias prophesied went down went forth went into went into went into went into went into wert cold or hot whale's belly what authority what authority what authority what authority what authority what comparison what david did what did moses command what do what have what hour your lord doth come what judgment what man what man what manner what manner what measure what measure what place soever what question what reason what reward have what seek what thank have what thank have what thank have what therefore what therefore god hath joined together what therefore god hath joined together what things what things soever what things soever what think what think what thinkest what watch what went what went what went what went what went what went what will what will what will what wilt what wilt what wilt what would whatsoever entereth whatsoever house whatsoever thing wheat fall into wheat into when affliction or persecution ariseth when all men when any one heareth when great famine when himself when men when no man can work when once when saw when saw when saw when these things begin when tribulation or persecution ariseth because whence then hath where have where moth where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt where no thief approacheth where satan dwelleth where satan's seat where thieves break through where thieves do where two or three where your treasure where your treasure wherefore art wherefore didst wherefore if wherefore if wherefore then gavest wherefore think whereon never man sat whereon yet never man sat wheresoever this gospel wheresoever this gospel whereunto then wherewith will which after which all which all your adversaries which also beareth fruit which art exalted which art exalted which at your entering which belong which betrayed which bringeth forth which built which built which calleth herself which cleaveth on which come which come which cometh which cometh which cometh down which cometh down which cry day which defile which desire which despitefully use which despitefully use which devour widows' houses which devour widows' houses which do good which do hunger which do iniquity which eateth which enter which feared which fell among thorns which gave which go which goeth into which had which had received which hate which hath which hath devoured which hath sent which hath ten talents which have which have been done which have been done which have borne which have cast into which have continued which have followed which have made themselves eunuchs which hear which heard which if which indeed which indeed appear beautiful outward which justify yourselves before men which kill which killed which killest which knew which leadeth which love which love which love which made which made which need no repentance which neither have storehouse nor barn which no man knoweth saving which now which owed which owed which perished between which planted which proceedeth which receive honour one which received seed which saith which say which say which say which say which searcheth which see which see might which seeth which strain at which stripped which testify which there which thing which took which went which when which would which would pass which would take account while believe while men slept white already white raiment white raiment white stone whited sepulchres whither goest who hath who hath ears who hath ears who left who made who taught balac who then who then who touched who touched who walketh who will commit whole body whole body whole body also whole body should whole body should whole body therefore whole earth whole have no need whole need whole need whole world whole world whole world whole world whole world whom do whom do men say whom do men say whom do your children cast whom do your sons cast whom if whom little whom men have committed much whom now whom satan hath bound whom say whom say whom say whom say whom seek whom seek whom seekest whomsoever much whose image whose own whose soever whose soever sins whose son whoso curseth father or mother whoso eateth whoso marrieth whoso readeth whoso therefore whosoever believeth whosoever believeth whosoever believeth on whosoever cometh whosoever committeth sin whosoever doth whosoever drinketh whosoever drinketh whosoever exalteth himself whosoever hath whosoever hath whosoever hath whosoever hath whosoever killeth whosoever liveth whosoever looketh on whosoever marrieth whosoever putteth away whosoever speaketh whosoever speaketh against whosoever sweareth whosoever therefore whosoever therefore whosoever therefore whosoever therefore whosoever will whosoever will whosoever will whosoever will whosoever will come after whosoever will lose whosoever will lose whosoever will save whosoever will save whosoever will save why askest why beholdest why beholdest why call why callest why callest why callest why cumbereth why do why do why do why do why do why do thoughts arise why doth this generation seek after why even why go why make why persecutest why persecutest why persecutest why reason why reason why reason why sleep why smitest why stand why take why take why tempt why tempt why tempt why trouble why trouble why weepest wicked servant wicked servant will accuse will also ask will also ask will also persecute will appear will appoint will arise will ask will ask will avenge will avenge will build will cast will come will come will come will come will come will come will come will come will come after will come after will come again will come forth will come on will confess will cut will declare will deliver will do will do will draw all will drink no more will faint will fight against will first bind will flee will forewarn will give will give will give will give will give will give will give will give will give will give will give will give will give will go before will go before will grind will grind will guide will hate will hate will have mercy will have mercy will hold will hold will keep will keep will keep yours also will kill will liken will love will love will make will make will make will make will make will make will make will manifest myself will pay will pay will pray will pray will pull down will put will raise will raise will raise will raise will receive will receive will remove will repay will repent will reprove will return will return will return into will reverence will reverence will reverence will rise will say will say will say will say will scourge will see will seek will send will send will send will send will send will send will send will send forth labourers into will show will show will show will show will show will smite will smite will spoil will spoil will spue will sup will surely say will tell will think will write will write wilt enter into life wind bloweth where wind ceased winds blew winds blew wine runneth wise answered wise man wise men wise servant wise steward wise took oil withered away withered away withered away within also within full without entereth into without honour without honour without make without purse without sin among witness both witness which wolf catcheth wolf coming woman jezebel woman took woman took woman when women there women there hath word abiding word against word against word hath no place word might word which word which word's sake words abide words which words which work iniquity work which works perfect before god works thereof works which works which none other man did world because world cannot hate world cannot receive world giveth world hate world hateth world hath world hath hated world may believe world may know world may know world seek after world seeth world those things which world through world would love worm dieth worm dieth worm dieth worse than worse than worse thing come worship before would borrow would come would do would fain have filled would have believed would have given would have remained until this day would have repented long ago would have told would have watched would have watched would love would rejoice would send forth labourers into wouldest believe wouldest have asked wouldest send write fifty write fourscore written again written may written must yet ~~~~~~